Chapter Thirteen

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As Ember sat in her room, deep in her thoughts, a gentle knock on the door interrupted her solitude. With a sigh, she called out, "Come in."

Marie entered, carrying a tray with a beautifully arranged lunch. Her face displayed a mix of concern and care as she approached Ember. "My lady, I brought you some lunch. Your grandparents are worried about you, as you've been in your room for quite some time."

Ember's gaze shifted from her thoughts to Marie, gratitude flickering in her eyes. "Thank you, Marie. I appreciate your thoughtfulness. Please, bring the tray here."

Marie placed the tray on a nearby table and carefully arranged the dishes. The aroma of freshly prepared food filled the air, a comforting reminder of the nourishment that awaited Ember.

Marie glanced around, her eyes taking in the subtle changes in Ember's demeanor. "Is there something on your mind, my lady? You seem lost in thought."

Ember sighed softly, her gaze fixed on a distant point. "I was just reminiscing, Marie. A memory resurfaced, one that brought both pain and reflection."

Marie's expression softened with empathy. She approached Ember, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Memories can be bittersweet, my lady. They hold the power to evoke strong emotions, to stir the depths of our hearts. If you ever feel like sharing, I am here to listen."

Ember nodded appreciatively. "I will, Marie. For now, though, I think I would appreciate some solitude. Thank you for checking in on me."

Marie curtsied gently, a gesture of respect and understanding. "Of course, my lady. Should you need anything, I am just a knock away."

With those words of reassurance, Marie quietly exited the room, leaving Ember to her thoughts.

After enjoying her lunch in the solitude of her room, Ember took a moment to collect herself before descending the grand staircase to join her grandparents downstairs. As she reached the foyer, she could hear the distant sounds of laughter and conversation drifting from the main gathering area.

Ember took a deep breath, summoning her inner strength, and walked with purpose toward the welcoming voices. The sight that greeted her warmed her heart – her grandparents, seated in their favorite chairs near the fireplace, eagerly waiting for her arrival.

As she approached, her grandmother's eyes sparkled with affection, and her grandfather's kind smile brightened his face. They both rose from their seats, arms open wide, ready to envelop Ember in a warm embrace.

"My dearest Elora," her grandmother exclaimed, her voice full of love and concern. "We were worried about you. Marie told us about your condition, my child."

Ember embraced her grandmother tightly, feeling the comforting presence that had always brought solace to her. "I'm sorry for causing you worry, Grandma. I'm okay now. A memory just resurfaced when you mentioned about marriage."

Her grandfather joined in the embrace, his voice gentle yet filled with strength. "We understand, Ember. I'm sorry we didn't know what you've been going through. I can't believe your parents hid this from us."

"Don't be angry at then, Grandpa. They're just thinking about my well being. It's my fault recklessly riding a horse and getting into an accident."

Ember's Love: Lost in TimeWhere stories live. Discover now