Percy's POV

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I was staring directly at at least thirty man eating giants, sitting around casually in the street, forming a semi circle. They got up slowly, obliterating the view of the fountain behind. The humans ran around screaming, the mist could have only hidden so much.

"A cheeseburger sounds amazing now, doesn't it? I breathed, thinking about the food I'd left uneaten inside.

Annabeth dropped her bag on the ground, holding her cap and her dagger, "We can't kill them all."

I nodded and Bryce brought out his bow and arrow.

A lot of things happened in only a matter of seconds. Lightning struck the giants and a huge lion attacked from the other side, completely taking the monsters by surprise. Four of our friends, Jason, Piper, Frank (turned into a lion) and Hazel stood across the street, grinning.

And we attacked.

I summoned every ounce of strength I could and blasted the fountain water on the giants. The metal parts hit some of them and they disintegrated immediately, leaving at least a bunch to target me.

I watched as two of the Laistrygonians hit themselves with their clubs. Piper's charmspeak, it had to be that.

"Percy!" Hazel yelled and I noticed a giant behind me, I crouched and cut his legs before he could get me.

We fought as hard as we could and sometime later, all seven of us stood, ankle deep in yellow powder, panting and bloody.

"Nico", Jason spoke, breathless. "He said you were in danger and we came here as fast as we could."

"We didn't miss the fun", Frank, who had turned back into his regular form, grunted.

Hazel smiled and said, "Where's Nico?"

"We don't know, but we found Leo", Annabeth said, taking off her Yankees cap.

There was a sharp intake of breath at the mention of Leo.

"Then we're visiting Poseidon's temple." Bryce said.

"Percy!" I heard and turned around. Rachel Elizabeth Dare stood near the broken fountain, smiling at us.

I grinned and looked at my other friends, "Our Oracle is here."

We stood in the hotel room, with hardly any space for any of us to relax.

"There's a prophecy. About you, Percy. That's why I came here." Rachel spoke first.

I sighed and asked her to continue.

"It was...

In the place he calls his home

Where friends and foes alike roamed

Poseidon's son, alone yet bold

Must find the trident's scroll."

Everyone was silent for a minute.

"Guess who's visiting Camp Half Blood a little early?", I muttered.


It didn't take them a lot of time to find Leo and Nico, unconscious near the temple. They had to fight some more Canadians, but it wasn't too hard. All except Frank couldn't enter the temple and Annabeth decided it had something to with being Poseidon's descendant.

"Frank couldn't lift the trident", said Hazel on the phone, her voice filled with concern. "He's not doing too good."

I did not know what to reply.

Meanwhile I was sitting on a plane 30,000 feet in the air, freaking out and thinking about my last conversation with Annabeth.

"I'll have to go alone this time, you heard the prophecy."

She nodded and said, "I know seaweed brain. But if you don't come back alive I'll knock you unconscious."

We laughed and then kissed, a little longer than usual.

I missed her already. But I was slightly more worried about Zeus blasting me to bits. I never liked airplanes, but that could be because of Zeus' threat or the fact that I was the son of Poseidon, and naturally, liked the sea better.

By the time I reached Camp Half Blood, it was late evening and I knew the demigods must be sitting around the campfire.

When I saw them, my heart did a little lurch. I wanted to be here with Annabeth and all my friends. Even New Rome had lost its essence for me now.

I looked at Chiron and something clicked in me. I decided to run to the Big House before someone spotted me and asked me questions. Unfortunately, one of the Hermes cabin members noticed me.

"Percy! Welcome back!"

"Hey, you guys", I observed the camp, the number of demigods had approximately doubled.

"Are you on a quest?" asked one of the daughters of Aphrodite I thought.

"Well, not really. But there's something I need to do."

"Let us help you!", yelled another demigod. I shook my head.

"He's just trying to steal all the glory. Aren't you, Percy?" Clarisse grinned at me and I smiled. We were somewhere between friends and enemies.

Chiron cleared his throat and beckoned me to the Big House. I nodded and followed him.

"They left suddenly, said you were in trouble."

I shrugged, "When am I not?" He ignored my quip.

"I'm sure you aren't here because you missed us. What do you need?" He wanted to help.

I recited the prophecy to him and he sighed. "You could check in the oracle room upstairs. Maybe that could help you."

I went upstairs and looked through the endless junk. There was no scroll.

We decided to look around in the Camp, all the demigods in different areas. I visited my cabin, empty and slightly dusty. Tyson would be working in the palace underwater. I walked around and looked at the tiny fountain dad had gifted me.

I squinted. Beside the running water was a small, blue scroll. I opened it and saw a prophecy, written in perfectly neat handwriting. I read it out loud.

"Worthy descendants of Poseidon

Only you shall hold the trident

It is a curse you must bear

As together you face your fears."

I crumpled the piece of paper and sat on the edge of my bed, thinking. In a few minutes, I fell asleep.

I dreamt I was in the temple, but there was someone else with me.

"Perseus Jackson. I've been wanting to meet you for a while now. I've heard a lot about you."

I looked around, someone stood in the shadows.

"Yeah I get that a lot. Who are you?"

He laughed, and the temple trembled.

"Laistrygon, the son of Gaia."

He was the father of the Canadians then? It made sense, but hardly.

"We found nothing, Percy", Clarisse's voice woke me up.

"It's okay, I found it." I said, lightly rubbing my eyes.

She nodded and looked curiously at me. "So, I guess you're not staying?"

I shook my head, "Time to go back to New Rome." 

Percy Jackson and the Trident of PoseidonWhere stories live. Discover now