Percy's POV

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We had emergency backpacks in case something happened and we had to leave suddenly. But we still had to talk to Ms. Caryae, the head of the institute.

"You want to leave?"

I had barely entered her office. I stood at the gate.

"Yeah. How did you know?"

"The bags." She smiled. I'd forgotten about the backpacks, that were now neatly kept along my feet.

"And it's not the first time a demigod has had to leave, there's always something or the other stirring outside."

I stared at her. Did she know something? But before I could ask her anything, she held out a hand.

"I cannot help you, Perseus. You're one of the strongest demigods to ever walk this Earth. The Gods will test you over and over again, and you will have to bear with it."

I gritted my teeth, "Have they not tested me enough? I almost died thrice in two years!"

Her face softened. "The strongest have to bear the most, Percy. You know that."

I thought about Hercules, and everything that happened to him.

"You're from the village Caryae." I spoke out, realising all of a sudden.

She looked a thousand years old when she spoke, "Yes, I was named after the village. I ran away when I was only ten."

I understood why, the ladies of the village had been condemned to slavery for betraying Athens and siding with Persia in the war.

"I have said enough, you must leave now, all three." She narrowed her eyes.

I nodded and was about to leave when she suddenly spoke, "You'll come back stronger."

Oh great, at least I'll be alive.

"I almost forgot, you might want to clean the stables, Jake said it stinks too much." She raised her eyebrow at me, but smiled anyway.

The moment we stepped out of the magical protection of the University, I sensed something was wrong. The streets were mostly empty.

Rome was never empty.

I uncapped Riptide while Annabeth took out a small dagger, a bright silver in color. She'd taken it from Camp Half Blood when she'd lost her own dagger in her quest. Bryce stood behind us, munching some snacks, rather loudly.

"Bryce, shh!" I motioned to him, and he clumsily shoved the packet into his bag.

I spotted something in the bushes, just left to us but it was nothing. We walked on the streets, discussing the location of the temple.

Annabeth said, "It's actually really easy to spot the temple."

"It's in Rome", as I said these words, I knew they were true.

"Yes. And not very far either. Its only a few miles." Bryce said.

I raised my eyebrow.

Bryce pointed to the map, "There's only one place with that much grass, look."

"It's a trap." I whispered to Annabeth. She nodded knowingly. "There's no way we just walk in there, grab Leo and walk out."

It was pretty hot, and we were tired. So we decided to stop at a McD's for a while. The place wasn't crowded, but a table was filled with huge, weird men. They kept silent but there was something odd about them. I elbowed Annabeth.

"Canadians", both of us said together. The Mist wasn't fooling us, we could see the razor sharp teeth and the iron clubs, barely hidden in their clothes. They were man eating giants, and we had fought them before.

"Canadians? Hey! We don't look like that." Bryce said, one of his hands had disappeared in the fries' bucket. He stuffed his mouth again and continued to eat.

"How many times do I have to fight the same stinking monsters?" I grumbled. Annabeth hid a laugh and pulled out her yankees cap.

We told Bryce to keep seated, which he did not find hard to do since he didn't notice the monsters.

There were a total of 4 on that table, and I could spot three more near the counter. Annabeth decided to take those three.

I walked to their table and one of them hissed, "Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon, we are here to take us with you."

The uglier one spoke, "If we don't rip out your throat first-"

"Oh spare me the greetings, I've had enough for a lifetime." I muttered and uncapped riptide, immediately slashing at one of the monsters. He turned into yellow powder.

The other three growled and launched themselves at me. They were very clumsy. I evaded the ball of fire one of them sent my way and slashed one of the monsters in the mouth. Fortunately, he died. Unfortunately, he stumbled a few metres behind and took riptide with him.

The other two beasts laughed, "You will come with us."

I risked a glance at Annabeth. Her hair had come undone and she was on the attack, constantly keeping the monster on his toes. She was beautiful, especially in battle.

I glared at my enemies. Riptide should be back in my pocket any moment. I just had to distract them until that. I slowly moved away from them.

"So, who's your master?"

"You will know when you're taken there. For now, surrender." The bigger one took a step towards me when I heard a loud battle cry. An arrow lodged in his head, between the eyes.

I hardly had any time to admire the perfect shot. I brought out riptide and left a gash on the cheek of the only one left. He turned to powder.

I looked around and saw Bryce holding up a bow and arrow, lined perfectly with his mouth. He placed it down on one of the tables

"Okay... What the heck just happened?" He said slowly.

Annabeth returned, panting and sweaty, "Son of Apollo, you're good at archery."

"Good? Did you see me? I was awesome! It was directly between his eyes! Ha! So I'm not so useless anymore, am I?"

Annabeth looked at me and we grinned. "We need to leave immediately, there could be more coming."

I nodded at Bryce and we left the restaurant, to an army of monsters.

Percy Jackson and the Trident of PoseidonWhere stories live. Discover now