Chapter three (oh brother)

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Chapter Three.

Jasper walked up to me looking behind me to murphy watching us intently.

I smiled proudly at him.

“Were you just talking to Murphy?” he asked suspiciously.

I nodded In reply.

“And neither one of you is injured? How did that happen?”  He asks only half joking.

I know, me and murphy don’t have the greatest track record.

We all pretty much hated the Ass- hole.

“Ok so hear me out.” I started making my friend nervous. He looked down at me suspiciously.

“Murphy and I have an arrangement…” I trailed off biting my lip. He would not be happy about this. I knew it.

And I was right.

Fury crossed jaspers face. “What kind of deal did you make with that jag-weed?” he exclaimed a little too loudly.

I looked behind me nervously hoping murphy wouldn’t hear.

He didn’t he had already walked off and was talking to an angry looking wells. That’s one person I wouldn’t mind murphy beating to a bloody pulp.

Before I turned back to jasper I noticed spacewalker fliting with Clarke again.

Interesting… he had a girl back on the Ark.

 Looks like Clarke is making a habit of being the other woman. I think bitterly.  

I mentally shook myself. I needed to focus on murphy and jasper. Not the princess and her loyal subjects over there.

“Calm down Its fine. I told him we’d have his back and in return, they’ve got ours.”

He tried to calm down but I could tell he didn’t like it.

He knew how murphy could be just as I did.  He stepped a little closer trying to be quiet now.

“I don’t trust him Gem.” He pleaded his brown eyes begging me to understand.

I did understand. I knew why he hated him. I knew why he didn’t trust him. And I knew he wanted me to be on his side.

But by aligning with murphy I was on his side. He just needed to see that.

“Look it’s not Ideal but it’s all we got. We need protection and he can give it to us.”

He crossed his arms and shook his head, still not convinced. “I don’t like it.” He said, then he started again like he might explain why. But seemed to fall short, because al he said was “I just don’t like it.” Again.

I sighed and leaned into him pulling his hand into mine.

“Jasper.” I started with a smile. He was just looking at my hand with this weird look of focus on his face. He just stared at it.

“It’s Just until we get our bearings… then I have a plan to cut him loose.” I lied with an easy shrug.

“You really have a plan?” He could always tell when I was lying. And his face told me he could tell now.

I looked at him guiltily.

“Well…. No. But!” I argued quickly as he gave me an unsure look. “But! I’ll come up with something. You know I always do.”

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