Part 1: Big Brother's First Big Deal

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I run around the forest when my big brother calls out to me. "Sis!" I hear my brother scream and I run towards him. I run up and hug him only to hear the words I had been dreading for the past 6 months. "It's time," My brother begins and my heart starts to sink. "It's time for you to meet the Zoldycks," When the words leave his lips I stare into his eyes. I see the sorrow in them and nod, doing my best to be brave for him.

Before long, my brother has me on his back and my arms wrap around his neck. I rest my head in his soft black hair only to realize that I'm crying. I refuse to cry until after I leave my big brother and enter the household of the Zoldycks. That's what I told myself anyway, that I would be strong for my brother. I already knew that this would be harder on him than it would be on me. "Don't cry, brother, I'll be fine and so will you!" I say brightly as I feel my brother's tears land on my hand.

I can feel him smiling softly but not a happy smile, a sad one, one that made my heartbreak even more. I jump down from my brother's back and hug him, hoping that one day, he'll be able to live a good life without me. I let go of him and grab his hand, I start skipping and dragging him along with me, I can feel my brother smiling at me, a happy one this time. After about ten more minutes we reach a black car. 

I see a tall man look down at me softly, he seems suspicious so I smile up at him innocently. He opens the door and I see a boy with short black hair inside and large expressionless eyes. I see that he is assessing my strength, deciding whether or not he could kill me. So, this is a Zoldyck. I think to myself before giving him an innocent smile and my brother drags me inside the car. The car starts to move and the boy across from me is looking at us both warily. I check once more to make sure that I was only showing the typical amount of aura in a 9-year-old girl, seeing that I was, I simply shrugged. 

"This is your little sister?" The boy asked my brother and I feel his gaze lingering on my white hair and my brown eyes.

"Yes, when she was born she had black hair like me, but due to an incident as her hair grew, it became white," My brother told him and he nodded, seeming to understand but not. The boy's gaze was directed back at me but he refused to say a word. I smiled at him before I stared out the window. I watched as the trees flew past us and before I knew it, I fell asleep.

I woke up to my big brother's bloodlust being matched with another's. The foreign bloodlust had a startling effect on me and I wanted to get closer to the person it was coming from. I felt the urge to soothe them, however, my brother's bloodlust was clear and it seemed to hang in the air. I knew something was wrong as my eyes darted open, I used my nen and began to let out a calming aura. Before they knew what was happening the car was filled with a type of calm and sincerity that the strange boy had never known. Before long, both boy's bloodlust was gone and I yawned, tired from my use of nen. 

I smiled at them reassuringly before speaking in a melodic voice that reminded me of a gentle summer breeze, blowing away all of my worries. "So, now that we've all calmed down, would one of you care to explain what happened while I slept?" I ask innocently and when my brother avoided my gaze I let out a small sigh. "Fine," I say before touching my brother's arm lightly. "What happened when I fell asleep?" I ask and his memories flood my mind. I feel the blood start to spill from my nose and I wipe it away with my other hand.

My brother looked at me surprised only to have his expression morph into a gentle smile. "Paku would be proud," He says and I smile up at him before looking at the boy my brother called Illumi.

"Illumi, I should've warned you before, I'm sorry about that. However, it seems that my bother has already expressed his possessive nature anyway. You see if you threaten me in any way, my brother will become quite the uncontrollable person, he's killed before because someone looked at me funny," I say, the words flowing of my tongue in a string, the last part I say so seriously that the boy looks me in my eyes and seems to believe what I'm saying.

The Devil's Sister and the Assasin's Wife (Illumi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now