Part 5: Up in the Morning and Out To Training

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(A/N: If you get this reference then you are amazing, if not listen please.)

I ran threw the trees, jumping from one to another until I reached a small clearing on the island I was on. I look and see a man with bright red hair and a purple peekaboo dye. He had a magenta star painted on his right cheek and a teal tear on his left, decorating his oddly pale face. The man reminded me of the joker and I hated the man's presence alone. I glared at him for a second before spreading out my en. I found a man's presence nearby, the man who reminded me so much of my one and only. I started to dust off my jacket before I locked eyes with him and I knew immediately that this was the man I loved. I was rudely awakened in Illumi's arms by the mischievous alarm clock on the bedside table.

I felt Illumi's arms unwrap themselves from around my small frame and that was when Kikyo barged in the room happily. "Good morning darling!" She exclaimed excitedly before her nimble fingers but strong arms snake around me and wrench me from Illumi's side, or it would've if I hadn't held onto him for dear life. 

"NOO!!! I'm NOT READY TO BE PRODUCTIVE!!!" I scream at her and I hold onto the strong boy even more tightly. I heard her sigh at me and let go as I snuggled up close to the boy who would-be husband. 

"Get up, Tatiana," I hear Illumi scold and Nagini is by his side in a mere moment, shocking his mother. "If you don't-" I hear him say and that's when I put a hand to his mouth.

"Fine!!!! I'm getting up!" I groan and Illumi walks into the bathroom. That was when Kikyo addressed me.

"Tatiana, would you like to change your look for your life as an assassin?" Kikyo asked and I gave her a small smile before nodding causally. "What do you want?" She asked me innocently and I smile at her deviously.

"Well, I believe my assassin's name would have to be Snow, so how about cutting my hair short and dying the tips light blue?" I ask sweetly and she smiled before pulling out a pair of scissors. 

"Why didn't you get your hair cut before?" Kikyo asks me as she cuts off the hair until it only reaches my chin. I smile at her in the mirror before replying.

"My brother always said he would cut it but whenever the time came, he forgot. The other's tried to cut my hair but it never quite worked out, no one could bring themselves to cut my hair except me, and the first time I tried I nicked my neck, big brother wouldn't let me near a pair of scissors for years after that," I admitted and she smiled at me before I heard Illumi walking to the bathroom door, about to intrude in on our moment.

I closed my eyes and imagined the snow falling gently, elegantly, beautiful. I then imagined the deadline of the snow, in the form of avalanches and frostbite. Followed by the uniqueness of each snowflake. I embraced every part of the snow, feeling the chill surrounding me as Kikyo had her back to me, searching for someone to get the hair dye. I am Snow. I thought and I heard Kikyo's softest footsteps approaching me. 

I opened my eyes and stared into them in the mirror. The chocolate brown beauties that my brother had loved so much was replaced with a light blue. In my pupils, I saw the light and gentle figures of two snowflakes. I looked at my hair and saw that yes, it was short and the tips were a light blue but that wasn't all. My hair also had the snowflakes falling from the sky, and I knew that if you looked enough, you would see the figures for each snowflake. My skin was as white as the snow itself but has the slightest blue tint to it.

It was then that Illumi came out from the bathroom to see me sitting there. I smiled at him before walking into the bathroom. After taking care of my business, I saw a lilac tracksuit in my size hanging on the back of the door. Beside it was Illumi's pajamas, getting the hint I slipped on the tracksuit and placed my pajamas were it had been. I found a pair of white gold stud earrings and put them on while my hair grew out and the scene it had been portraying elongated. I then braided my hair before pulling that braid up into a loose braided bun. I looked at myself in the mirror and nodded before exiting the bathroom.

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