Part 2: A Deadly Bite

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I start to drift off, exhausted from all the crying and nen I used. I'm running behind a short boy with silver hair who's riding a skateboard. Suddenly a tall man with pointed hair and glasses yells at him, telling him to have some respect for the exam. I open my mouth to speak when the silver-haired boy retaliated for me. Soon enough, I find out his name is Killua and that a short boy with green and black hair is named Gon. 

Gon gives an innocent smile and I can't help but smile back down at him, for his smile was genuine. Suddenly, I feel Kuro's bloodlust and am startled out of my dream. I open my eyes and look up to see I was sleeping on Illumi's shoulder, not Kuro's. "Keep your hands off my sister," I hear Kuro growl, I'm about to groan when I feel Illumi's arms wrap around my shoulders.

"Your sister is my fiance, I have the right to touch her as I please," I hear Illumi say and that's when they notice I'm up.

"Still here!" I groan lifting my head up off Illumi's shoulder and I see Kuro glare at him. "Now, what the heck happened here?" I ask and because Illumi was still touching me I saw his memories of what just happened. I push his arm off my shoulder before his thoughts at the time could reach me. I between the two and see the rage in Kuro's eyes, matched by the calm in Illumi's.

"Ok, so, one, brother, it's ok, it's not like it's an offense to touch my hair. Two, Illumi, I warned you about this before so this is partially your fault. Three, don't make me wake up to you two talking like Illumi touched my nono square," I tell them before standing up with a yawn. "I'm heading to the bathroom, I'll be back soon," I say standing up and heading towards the restroom.

I finish in the bathroom and hear Illumi telling Kuro something that pains me. "She is mine, you gave her to me. You can't take back what you already gave someone," Illumi says monotonously and my brother saw me, he was about to warn Illumi of the storm coming his way but I got there first.

"I am not an object that can be given and taken away like some toy," I snarl and venom seems to be dripping from off my tongue. I get closer to him and he stands up, towering over me. I glare up at him as my anger grows and before I know it, I see an Inland Taipan bite Illumi's arm. The panic settles in and I look at the snake with horror in my eyes.

"What?!" The snake says and I stumble backward into my big brother's arms. "I thought you wanted me to bite him," The female voice of the snake told me confusion in her voice. I look at my brother who is looking down at me with worry clouding his vision.

"No, I didn't," I tell the snake and she apologizes to me before telling me that a bonobo named Charles had her antivenom. I stand up and call out, "CHARLES!!!" at the top of my lungs. Soon a tailless ape comes running down the aisle and as soon as he sees Illumi he takes the lid off the shot in his hand.

Charles puts the shot in Illumi's arm and injects him with the antivenom. The second after the antivenom enters his bloodstream he falls on top me. I catch him and am barely able to continue standing up while I support his weight. I practically throw him down into a chair and collapse myself. I expect Kuro to catch me but instead, it's the snake and the ape who is holding me close. 

I open my eyes to see two pairs of brown eyes staring down at me. One the eyes of a female snake and the other of a male ape. I blink before realizing that it was real and not just a lucid dream.  The snake opens her mouth and the elegant and sure tone of a doctor seems to flow off her tongue as she looks at the two males next to me. "Don't worry, she'll be fine. She's waking up right now, you should give her some room though." The words soothe my heart that I didn't know was aching and Kuro hugs me tightly before as we land in the Dentora Region of the Republic of Padokea.

"We're here," Illumi says devoid of emotions. I nod as I look into his large eyes and I see Gotoh again for the first time since we left the car. Illumi looks over his shoulder to see Gotoh and that's when he gives a vital piece of information. "Nagini and Charles will be accompanying us to the mansion, you better make sure they behave," As these words reach my ears I see a softness in his eyes and a coldness in his voice. Illumi didn't want to admit it but he must've gotten close to Nagini while I was out.

The Devil's Sister and the Assasin's Wife (Illumi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now