Part 3: I Hate Goodbyes

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"Sorry sis, I just had to prove that you were still alert when you slept. That and I needed to prove that if you needed to that you could and would take on Illumi," He says and I let out a sigh before saying the simple phrase that he should've used.

"Carry's got cancer," I say and he stiffens beside me ever so slightly.  I then grab his hand to show all had been forgiven and looked at the Zoldycks. "I'm Tatiana Lucilfer, the people close to me call me Snow. It's nice to meet you all," I say firmly but politely.

The buff man addresses me, "I am Silva," he gestures to the man with the cool facial hair, "This is my father Zeno," he then motions to the man without the silver locks the men shared. "And this is my grandfather, Maha. Now that you know everybody let us begin." He says adjusting to sit more comfortably. 

"Illumi you may go but stay close, we will call for you shortly, oh, and send Milluki in," Maha says while stuffing his hands into his pockets. After Illumi leaves and Milluki enters Zeno asks him to hand me something.

"Say goodbye to your brother and then fill out that sheet." He says and I nod as my heart sinks. I don't want to say goodbye to my brother. I turn and hug him tightly, before I know what's happening I'm crying into his shirt.

"Hey, sis, it's ok," Kuro says stroking my hair softly. "Look this isn't goodbye forever you know. According to our agreement, you can visit me every week and call me whenever you want. I'll always be able to reach you," He says and I look up at him, wiping away my tears. He pulls a small box out of his pocket and hands it to me. "This is that phone you've been wanting. If you need me, I'm only a call away. So will be the other members, once I trust them enough to meet you," He says the last part jokingly and I hug him tightly before I kiss him on the cheek and he is forced to leave.

"Now the form," I hear Silva say and I begin to fill it out.

(A/N: This is essentially the same info sheet that most authors provide at the very beginning but I forgot to do that so here you go!)

Name: Tatiana Lucilfer, Snow

Age: 9

Height: 5'1 (?)

Birthday: December 13th

Hair color: White

Hair length: Hips

Eye color: Brown

Blood Type: AB-

Nen Type: Specialist

Nen Abilities:

After seeing that last slot she looked up at Zeno and expressed her concerns, "I don't trust you enough to reveal my nen to you just yet, so do you mind if I write that down instead?" After these words leave my mouth I hear Maha laughing. 

"She's a smart one!" He says happily.

"Why thank you Maha-san, however, I believe that it is just common sense not to reveal your abilities to people you just met," I reply with equal cheer.

"She's smart and polite, she's staying son, weather she fills out your little sheet or not," Maha exclaims and I smile at him.

"Thank you Maha-san, however, I'm afraid that I've already answered all the other questions, so, how about I just turn this in as it is?" I ask and Zeno agrees to take the sheet of paper from me without the last question completed. After they skim over the page something seems to be bothering them.

"You say your hair is white and goes to your hips, however, your hair seems to be shoulder length and black," Silva says and that's when I remember the wig.

The Devil's Sister and the Assasin's Wife (Illumi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now