Part 6: Forced Away

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I stare up at the tall boy as he gives a heartless look. "Go away, Tatiana. You're useless now." He tells me and I feel a single tear falling down my face. I fun out of our room in the deep green outfit Luariela gave me, the loose fabric easily letting me run at full speed. I run in the jumpsuit and green heels as I head to the town my brother had taken me to a month ago at my arrival in this country. I feel tears welling up in my eyes as I make out the sign of a pet shop. 

I reach the door and use my nen to change my appearance. I walk in looking like a 20-year-old woman with pitch-black hair and striking green eyes. I enter the store and a man in his early 20s approaches me. He has no potential and no idea how to use the weapons at his disposal so I'm safe. "I'm here to look at your cats," I tell him and my voice betrays me as it cracks.

"Woah, there are you ok miss?" He asks and I nod as I look down on him. I then follow my instincts as I wander around the pet store. I stop outside a cage with a large black cat sitting inside, staring at me with large yellow eyes.

"Hey, there," I start before looking at his tag to see his name. "Ozzy. I'm Tatiana," I say to him and he starts to purr at the sound of my voice before standing up and rubbing on the metal bars between us. 

"Wow, Miss, you must be a cat whisperer or something. In all my years working here, Ozzy hasn't purred for anyone, let alone ask for them to pet him!" The attendant tells me with shock in his voice.

"Or maybe, we've met in a past life. Who knows? But I do know that this cat is very friendly," I say as a smile stretches out on my face and I scratch behind the feline's ears.  The man smiles at me and I let my guard down as I pet the cat. Transforming into myself, a 9-year-old girl with stark white hair and brown eyes. 

"Are you on the run?" He asks and I look at him confused before I get a glimpse of my white hair. 

"No, um, actually. I needed a place to go to where my boyfriend wouldn't find me. He's not a bad guy, I just need a break y' know. Besides, he can say some pretty hurtful things." I say with a sad smile as I continue petting Ozzy. The cat starts to claw at the latch as if he wants to be let out and he gives me the biggest pleading eyes.

The man obliges opening the cage door and as I sit on the floor the cat throughs himself into my arms. "Woah, calm down there, Ozzy. I'm not leaving you alone for a while." I say to the cat and I start venting to him for the next hour.

I leave the pet shop with a goofy smile on my face and I run back up to the estate. I see the testing gate and lightly touch the door so I can slip inside. "Snow!" Luariela calls to me as she embraces me tightly. 

"Luariela! I'm so sorry for leaving without telling you. I just needed a break." I tell her and she lets go of me before taking me under the tree and into a secret place.

"It's fine dear, just make sure that you tell me when you're leaving." She says putting a pot of tea on her stove. "Now tell me everything!" Her long green hair brushes against her knees as she rests her arms on her knees.

I tell her everything as we drink tea and eat her scones. I smile until she asks me a question I will never truly understand. "Are you ok?" She asks and I shake my head as I let my tears fall down my face. She pulls me into her lap and starts to stroke my hair lightly calming me down. "You know, you're just like a kitten." She tells me and I look up at her confused before sneezing softly, she let out a small laugh and continued to explain. "You love attention and to play but on your own terms. You love being pet on the head and find it oddly soothing to just listen to people talk to you. You also have such soft hair, it reminds me of a Lion's mane. You're just adorable! Besides, you always have this cute thing about you. Even when you're cold and rude everyone thinks that you're absolutly adorble." She tells me and I smile before falling asleep. "Not to mention all the cat naps you take," She whispers with a smile and pets my head lightly.

"Tatiana!" I hear Illumi call and I sit upright in a second flat.

"What?" I ask coldly as I exit Luariela's home.

"You shouldn't mess around like that. It's dinner time." He says but he also whispered something under his breath.

"I'm sorry, I didn't quite pick up on that last part." I tell him and he just keeps on walking, acting as if he didn't hear me. He was worried, huh. That's sweet. I think as I sort out what he said and we head back to the mansion together for our food.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2020 ⏰

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