Chapter 16 | What Really Happened

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Uraraka's Pov.

  "Where am I?!" Uraraka shouted at her captors. She wasn't able to get a clear image of her kidnappers. They were standing in the shadows, but her vision was blurry. She yelped in pain at the stab of pain at the back of her head. At least it wasn't bleeding... but she was bound with ropes.

  "You're with us now Ochaco," A familiar feminine voice told her. She stiffened at the use of her first name. 'Not her! Please! Anything but her!'

  A girl with yellow eyes and blonde hair with buns stepped out of the shadows. Wearing her middle school uniform like she was just an innocent school girl... liar...

  She sits down on the tied Ochaco and take a knife out of her pocket. She stares at it for a moment, and then smiles in such an evil joyful way. Uraraka realizes she's looking into her reflection.

  Uraraka struggles, trying to get away from her. Toga just leans on her more, and puts the knife closer and closer to her.

  She couldn't reach Toga with her hands to make her float, she was stuck with her stomach to the ground.

  Toga smiled her most joyful smile yet, and raises her knife to stab her.

  A sharp pain met her shoulder, and blood spilled out. Uraraka screamed in agony, but a hand covered her mouth tightly so no one could hear her.

  Tears of pain and helplessness spilled from her eyes. There was nothing she could do! Struggling didn't work, and yelling for help was kind of out of the r...question.

  Toga dug the knife deeper in her shoulder, and pulled out an empty container. She used it to fill it with blood.

  A black mist surrounded them, and she could just see Toga roll her eyes while the mist took up the entire room.

  "Already? But I just started!" Toga cried at an appearing face. 'Warp Gate.'

  "You got enough of her blood, I need to take her so you can get back to that boy," Warp Gate told her, "What was his name again?"

  "Deku," she mumbled with all the strength and confidence she could muster.

  Warp Gate made a portal near her.

  "I thought you guys were friends, why would you insult him constantly with calling him that?" Warp Gate started pushing her near his portal.

  "Because that is his hero name," she answered with the last she had in her. 'Deku, please save me...'

  "Not for much longer," Toga grinned, and looked at her now bloody knife, "Soon Izuku will be gone.

  The blonde haired girl traced her pointer finger over the knife, getting the blood on her finger.

  Toga put her pointer finger in her mouth.

Deku's Pov.

   Uraraka was been acting really strange yesterday. First off, she's been using Deku's first name to address him instead of her nickname which is also his hero name. Second, her smile changed. And even though that isn't solid evidence, there was just something about it. Third, it wasn't like he was the only one who noticed, he asked the other girls in his class if she was acting weird, and it turns out, they think the same thing. They even told him she left suspiciously when they were in the middle of talking. For some reason, it was like Ashido was going to say something, but Yaoyorozu and Tsu covered her mouth.

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