Chapter 29 | The Gardens

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Deku's Pov.


  He stared at Yayorozu's towering mansion with gigantic golden gates. Her family's property stretched as far as the eyes could see!

  'I knew she had a large house from what others told me... but this...'

  "Hi Deku!" a familiar feminine voice greeted him.

  "Oh, h-hi there Uraraka," he stuttered.

  'Okay, now I'm a little scared about today now that Uraraka's here... Truth or dare is going to be the death of me...'

  "What are you Love Birds doing standing there! Come in!" they heard Ashido's voice echo from an outdoor speaker.

  His face went red at the words "Love Birds".

  "Sorry, Mina took over the speaker for a moment," Yaoyorozu's voice rang out, "You can come inside."

   The gates opened in a slow, grand way.

   'Wow... even the gates are having an impact on me... And how did Ashido get here so early? I got here an hour early...'

   "Are you coming?" Uraraka asked as she started walking through the gates, she was looking back at him.

   "Oh, um, yeah," he went over to Uraraka and started walking next to her.

  They opened a building they had to walk through to get to the house. It had an open roof.

   The driveway was so long... nothing he couldn't handle walking up, but it was a long walk for sure. On the way they passed beautiful gardens with many exotic flowers that he had never seen!

  There was also hedges that were shaped like animal and small fountains all over.

  He had never seen such a wonderful garden in his life!

  They passed little ponds with goldfish and koi in them.

  There were tropical trees and they even saw a variety of animals that were from different spots in the world!

  Uraraka and Deku passed a big glass enclosure, and the label said there were jaguars in it! They saw two, but then a little one stumbled into their sight line.

  "This has gone way beyond a garden, this is a menagerie!" Deku looked at her.

  "I know! I mean, do they have a breeding program for endangered animals or something!?" Uraraka exclaimed excitedly.

  "I feel like I'm at a zoo..." he trailed off.

  "Is that..." Uraraka ran over to a smaller enclosure, but still an enclosure.

  "What?" Deku followed her.

  "That's a Pangolin!" she pointed at an animal that looked like a cross between an Armadillo and an Aardvark.

  "Pangolin..?" he questioned.

  "They're critically endangered, I can't believe that I'm seeing one!" she explained.

  "Lets take some pictures with it," Deku suggested.

  "Can we go back then?" she asked.


  "So we can take pictures with all the animals!"

  'We are an hour early...'


  They spent that hour taking pictures with all the animals and flowers they wanted to.

  "These are beautiful!" she crouched near a flower that had blue, red, and yellow flower. It resembled some kind of bird with colorful feathers and a long neck if that was a thing that existed, "I wonder what It's called..."

Near the bottom of the plant, there was a label. It said "Bird of Paradise".

"The label said it was a "Bird of Paradise"." Deku told her. She was right though, it was a very unique looking flower.

"I love it!" Uraraka exclaimed.

Uraraka's Pov.

  "These are beautiful!" Uraraka crouched near a colorful flower.

  It's green stem was really tall and the green continued under the flower, and the red, yellow, and blue stuck out of it. The flower bud didn't span out of the sides, but in the front. You could say it looked like an exotic bird.

  "I wonder what It's called..."  

  "The label said it was a "Bird of Paradise"." Deku told her.

  "I love it!" Uraraka exclaimed.

   They took a selfie with it and continued their journey.

   There were many other beautiful sights in that garden that she got to enjoy with Deku... It was so nice there, she never wanted it to end, and she never wanted to leave.

  There was a tiny little window to look through, she guessed whatever was inside of it was small.

  Uraraka leaned in, but didn't see anything. Then out of no where, a spider banged against the glass.

  "Gah!" she yelped, and then latched onto the nearest thing that was there: Deku's arm.

  Uraraka saw him blush, and then when she realized what was happening, she let go and her face was red too.

  "Th-There's no reason to be afraid, It's just a little spider," he told her.

  "S-Sorry..." she trailed off.

  He just sighed and said, "Don't worry about it, we have way worse coming for us later anyway..."

  'Oh yeah...'

  Throughout the whole path, there were littler paths that branched off the main one, but they had to skip them or else they would have been late. It made her a little disappointed, but she knew that's what they had to do.

  "Oooh!" she ran over to a little pen.

  The birds in it were brightly colored Flamingos! Their pink feathers really made them stand out, but it also made them so pretty looking.

  Deku and Uraraka smiled at each other and took another selfie.

  In the corner of his phone, he saw the time.

  "We're fifteen minutes late!" he exclaimed.

  From there on, they just ran and ran to get to the end. It made her really sad, but she also knew that it wouldn't end well if they were late...

  They passed a bunch of other things, but didn't stop to look at what they were or take a picture, they just kept going.

  "Almost at the end of the building," Deku shouted at her while still running. He pointed over at a door at the end.

  He opened it for Uraraka.

  "Thank you!" she panted, and went through.

  He closed the door after he went through and they continued running.

  The path was clearer now and they saw an Olympic sized swimming pool with all their classmates in or around it.

  "The Love Birds finally arrived!"

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