Chapter 41 | Morning Conversation

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Deku's Pov.

  He blinked his eyes open and he blushed immediately because of the familiar warmth. He and Uraraka were cuddling all over again!

  Uraraka had a soft smile on her face. It made him smile while pink blush appeared on his face.

  To be honest, Deku didn't really want to move away from that spot, but what would Uraraka say if she woke up?

  'I really don't want her to think I'm like Mineta or Kaminari...'

  He pulled his arms from cuddling her and then...Uraraka's smile went away...

  Pulling the blanket over her, he thought he heard a small sigh coming from the brunette.

  'Why did she sigh?'

  Her eyes fluttered open, and then she said, "Morning Deku..."

  Uraraka stretched her arms and yawned. She was blushing a little bit like Deku.

  "G-Good morning Uraraka," he stuttered.

  They walked out to the main area where everyone was eating breakfast.]

  Tsu was cooking pancakes again!

  Uraraka grabbed Deku's hand and started pulling him towards one of the tables for two.

  His face flushed red as blood rushed to it.

  She sat down at one end and Uraraka sat at the other.

  Deku was still blushing. He rubbed the back of his head.

  It felt like the time that they went to that Japanese restaurant together... Except that their classmates were all looking at them...

  Tsu walked up to them and delivered their pancakes, placing the delicious food in front of them.

  He noticed that Uraraka was blushing.

  "Can I have some syrup?" he asked Tsu.

  "I already put some on yours and Ochaco's,ribbit," she told him.

  "Okay, thanks!" he thanked her.

  She walked away and then grabbed a fork and knife to start eating it.

  It had a half heart on it again and he blushed.

  'Don't tell me...'

  Deku looked over to Uraraka's pancake, and he realized she had the other half of the heart.

  He blushed, but started eating his pancakes.

  "They're really good!" he smiled.

  "Yeah, they are!" Uraraka smiled back. He really loved when she portrayed a real smile.

  'Right! We're going to Yaoyorozu's zoo today, but Uraraka and I already saw half of it... well, maybe I could ask if she wanted to go go ahead of the group with me, but would that be weird? Asking wouldn't hurt though...'

  "So I was thinking..." Deku started.

  "Overthinking?" Uraraka joked.

  "Little bit," he admitted, "but remember how we're going to Yaoyorozu's secret zoo today?"

  "Yes of course!" she exclaimed, "I'm so excited to go there!"

  "Yeah, me too," Deku smiled again, "but we went through a lot of the zoo already, so I was wondering if you w-wanted to go a-ahead with m-me..."

𝐀 𝐂𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡 ( 𝐈𝐳𝐮𝐎𝐜𝐡𝐚 ) | *𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐧𝐡𝐚 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬*Where stories live. Discover now