Darling Starlet

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Your life wasn't always the simplest back home on Naboo, yeah you may have been the granddaughter of a senator which made your family wealthy. Being wealthy didn't always bring happiness, your parents died at a young age and you were left with your grandparents. You signed up for the academy as soon as you could because you wanted a career like your dad and grandfather. You always loved languages, so you learned every single one in the system. The languages all over the galaxy were all so different and the love you had for how unique all of them were was always there.

The academy was different for you, you went to such a small school for your younger years it was so different for you to be there. Your grandparents always accepted what you wanted to do and the support they had for you was amazing. You always felt so loved by them for always having your back.

The academy helped you grow as a person, it helped you come out of your shell. You were always very quiet and reserved but this helped you grow and become a better person. You made friends who helped you perfect your skills in fighting and shooting, in return you helped them with certain studies that you were better at than them.

After a few years in the academy, you slowly got stronger and even better at what you always knew. You got the top scores in about everything, all the bruises were finally worth it.

When you graduated you started at the bottom of the supremacy doing small jobs for small missions, or even just translating for the meetings between officers. You had always known you would start small since that's the only way to grow and learn is by being at the bottom. Oftentimes there wasn't anything to do so you would just sit in your quarters and just translate for fun to keep you busy and maybe watch cheesy holodramas. Sometimes you would go to the training area to keep yourself in shape and perfect your fighting skills.

You finally reached the head interpreter position, this took some time but your dream was finally coming true. The officer you worked under on the supremacy finally gave you the news that you would be stationed on the finalizer. You packed up what little you had on the supremacy and got ready to wait for your transport in the hangar.

While on the transport over to the finalizer you couldn't stop thinking about all the friends you were leaving behind on the supremacy. You knew this job would be even better than the last, you knew what you were doing but at the same time being a higher up meant there was a lot more to do and see. You knew there was always a cloud over the first orders head with the resistance so you knew that we could be the center of the attack.

You were in awe when you got off the transport everything was pristine and monochromatic. You were dressed in a black skirt and black form-fitting button-down blouse which was typical for you on a day to day basis. You had your hair up in a ponytail making sure there was no hair out of place since you were about to meet the general of the first order.

General Hux whom you never had the pleasure of meeting was waiting for you when you got off the transport. You smiled as you approached him.

"Good afternoon interpreter, I hope the trip wasn't so bad." He stood there with his hands clasped behind his back.

"I've been on worse flights General, this was nothing." you smiled at him

Most of the stormtroopers were going about their business while you stood there taking it all in.

"If you could follow me to my office, we can discuss your plans and what your job will entail." You nodded and gave him a little smile and followed him.

While you were following him, you took in all of the things that were going on. All of the various officers and stormtroopers doing their retrospective jobs. You watched where you were walking closely so that when you didn't have an escort you weren't getting lost in this huge ship.

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