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I woke to Ana shaking my shoulder. My alarm was going off and she was complaining about it. Why she didn't just turn it off was beyond me. I wasn't up for going to class today. In fact, I didn't want to do anything anymore. I just wanted to sit around, cry, eat ice cream and talk to Niall. "I don't think I'm going to class." I mumbled out to her pulling the covers farther up my head.

"Oh come on! Don't think like that!" I groaned as she shook me again.

"I really don't want to go." I complained. "I just want to eat chips, cry, call my boyfriend and maybe my parents and sleep." Ana sighed and sat down on my bed, making it creak.

"Okay I won't bug you then." She said hitting my alarm clock off. "But if you're playing hoodie then I am too!" I sat up and gave her a look.

"Ana." I said sternly.

"I already know what you're going to say and you can't talk me out of this." She said crossing her arms.

"How many times have you skipped out on your classes?" I demanded. Ana tapped her chin thoughtfully.

"A bunch. In the past couple of weeks. Actually since we started school. I would blame you but really. It's just me." Ana sighed at my look. "Come on!" She groaned. "It'll be fun! The two of us! Or do you want to be alone? That's it isn't it?" I sighed.

"I love your company Ana but.." She flopped down onto my legs on her back.

"There it is.. But. The dreaded but. You don't want me around." She huffed. I opened my mouth to object. "No! You don't need to say it. I know what you mean. But I've skipped out on so many classes this semester it's a wonder how I'm passing." I nodded my head. I didn't say much around Ana, she could usually figure out what I was thinking of trying to say. It's like she had a superpower.

"Right and Ana you.."

"I know, I know. You could fail and blah blah blah. Okay. I'll go to class. Let me make you breakfast first." She exclaimed jumping up.

"You're stalling!" I yelled from our room.

"But you're hungry!" She yelled back. Which was true I was starving.

"Fine, but I'm calling my boyfriend." Ana scoffed.

"Duh I knew that. Call your man. I'll make food." Rolling my eyes I grabbed my phone off my dresser and turned it on. As soon as the home screen lit up I dialed his number and put the phone to my ear. I prayed that he was still on a break and could pick up the phone and talk to me.

"Hey Sarah." He answered after several rings. I sighed in relief.

"Niall I'm sorry I didn't call again yesterday like I promised. Something happened and.." He cut me off.

"Yeah I know it's on the Internet." I stopped, frozen.

"What is?" I demanded.

"You haven't seen it yet?" He questioned. I shook my head. "You got your computer?" I nodded my head. "I'll send you an email." I'm glad he understood that silence as me nodding. I hurriedly grabbed my laptop and powered it on. I didn't want to ask him what it was about. I already had a good guess anyways. I went to my emails and found a link attachment from Niall pop up immediately.

"Okay I got it." I murmured, clicking on it. Niall didn't respond as the page loaded.

Who is Samuel and what does he have to do with Niall's girlfriends Sarah?

"Shit. Niall.." I began slowly.

"It's not real." It sounded like he was questioning me instead of stating it.

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