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"What do you mean stalking me?" I whispered more scared and confused than ever before.

"I mean stalking you. Tracking your movements, your friends, your classes." I gulped as she paced back and forth. "Of course it was easy, all thanks to Niall who so graciously told the entire world what college you were going to." She smiled again. "I should thank him. I mean, you do have his number."

"You don't know the passcode." I spit out. Jasmin simply laughed.

"Why, of course I do!" She cried out. "I know everything about you!" I don't know if it was her words that made my heart beat faster or the fact that I was tied up to a chair and she was brandishing a knife. "But I won't call him. He might become alarmed." She said softly, with a smile.

"What are you going to do? You couldn't really hurt me." I said trying to call her bluff. This was some sick game she was playing. None of this was real. I didn't have a stalker. She couldn't be a stalker.

"Killing you and hurting you are two different things." She said nonchalantly.

"So you're going to kill me? You couldn't get away with that." I sputtered out. There was no way. This wasn't real. This wasn't happening.

"No probably not but it would be fun." She smiled again and I'm pretty sure my jaw dropped.

"Jasmin! You can't kill me!" I shouted struggling against my restraints.

"That's not my name!" She shouted back before scoffing and flipping out her dark hair. "Jasmin. What a stupid name." She grumbled clearly angry. I think she was even trembling with rage.

"Then what's your name?" I asked, not really curious just trying to stall so Ana could get home and save me but with that time nearly forty-five minutes away I didn't know if I could stall that long.

"My name is Sarah!" She shouted at me. I stiffened.

"Sarah?" I repeated in an almost whisper. Jasmin or I guess Sarah gave me a smug look.

"I had it legally changed." She grumbled. "Who spells Jasmin without an e anyways!" She cries out tossing her hands in the air, the knife catching the sunlight.

"Why change your name to Sarah?" I asked as I tried as quietly as possible to wrench my hands free from the rope that bound them together and too the chair. Where did Jasmin even get the rope and this chair? How did she even lift me up into this?

"Because I wanted to be you! Isn't it obvious!" She exclaimed. "You lived your perfect life with your perfect family and your perfect friends and your perfect boyfriend!" I stared up at her confused.

"My life isn't perfect." I murmured.

"Well it's better than mine!" She shouted down at me pointing up at the ceiling with her knife. "Do you know what it's like being the middle child?"

"You told me you were an only child." I fired back.

"I wish I was an only child! Now shut up before I do something drastic!" She screamed in my face. Good, this was good. If I got her to tell me her back story and all her problems maybe I could talk her down from this. Find some common ground.

I made a show of slamming my mouth shut and pursing my lips. Jasmin sighed and relaxed her shoulders before she began speaking again. "I am the middle child in a family of five and everyone forgets about me. Did you know that in the past six years not one member of my immediate family remembered my birthday?" I didn't know if she wanted an actual answer so I kept quiet.

"You'd think your parents would remember. That they would be the ones to care enough to buy you presents and nice things like that especially since I didn't have any friends." Jasmin was pacing now and I found my teeth and I shifted my wrists around and around. They were beginning to chaff and I wondered if I could actually break my wrist like in all those action movies where the good guy is kidnapped and trying to escaped their crazed captor. I can't believe I'm actually comparing this too a movie situation. This is real. I I that actually die.

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