I stared at my phone screen, reading the text from Elijah Daniel over and over.
"i'm having a party tonight at my house if you wanna come"
My roommate's been telling me to stop thinking and just start doing. The only problem is, is that Elijah's parties usually consist of him and all of his friends getting high and then I have to sit and make sure they don't jump off the roof or whatever.
"Abby, come on. Go to the party."
"It's already 7 and I have work tomorrow Maggie."
"Remember how your roommates brother is your boss?"
"Mags, I don't-"
"Or how I literally work with you. How I could cover for you?"
I rolled my eyes and smiled.
"Just go, I'll make up an excuse for you if you're late to work. Which won't happen," she laughed.
I met Maggie four years ago when I posted I needed a roommate. My previous one was... uh, creepy. She wouldn't come back from work until like, 2 am, which is 5 hours after her shift ended. She didn't have many friends, she wasn't in a relationship, and she never smelt like booze or drugs. No one ever knew where she went and she barley spoke about it.
So I was slightly relieved when she said she wanted to move out and after two weeks of meeting the wrong people Maggie came into my life. Now she's my best friend, who would of thought. Recently though, her boyfriend asked her to move in. So I'd be alone again. Which is fine, I could get a dog.
She clapped as I replied to the invite.
"sure, what time?"
I patiently waited for the response as I started brushing my hair, blonde strands flying everywhere.
"help me set up, be in here 30"
I laughed and told him I'd be there as soon as I could. I'd just take a quick shower. 10 minutes tops. Then light makeup because Maggie got me new eyeliner that would "make my blue eyes POP". 7 minutes. Then it'd take 10 minutes to get there hopefully. 3 minutes to spare.
I picked out an outfit as the water heated up, deciding on a "worlds best grandma" sweater and some jean shorts. I wanted Vans but Maggie probably left them at Casey (her boyfriend)'s house so I took her Birkenstocks.
Almost exactly as I'd planned, I was saying goodbye to Maggie and heading out to my car by 7:26. Putting on a playlist, starting with Bored by Tessa Violet, I pulled out into the street and headed to Elijah's house. I always slightly feared hanging out with him. Not because of him, just him around his friends. I love them all to death but they just feed off of each other's energy and it gets a lot to handle really quick.
I've met some pretty cool people through him though. Both Shane Dawson and Jenna Mourey (Marbles), two people I've looked up to for years. Then obviously Ryland and Julien too. I love them all, they're just fucking crazy.
I pulled up to his driveway, groaning at the amount of cars already. I found a spot and parked, grabbing my wallet and phone before walking up to the door. Before I had a chance to knock, Sam opened the door and greeted me.
"Abby, hey! Come to the kitchen, we're all doing snacks and shit."
As I walked in, the first person I saw was Kellen and felt slightly relieved I had someone else to talk to. There were 5 cars and three people in here. Usually Elijah has their's in the garage so uh. What. So when he came over and hugged me, I asked.

Sober |a.k.|
أدب الهواةAfter talking to the only other sober person at Abigail's friend's party, her disbelief in love starts to fade away. rankings: #5 - awstenknight ; july 22, 2020 #3 - awstenknight ; august 30, 2020 #2 - jawnrocha ; august 30, 2020 #3 - elijahdaniel ;...