"Abby, hurry!"
I laughed and pulled my socks on.
"Mags, I'm coming, chill, but I still have to get my shoes on."
I shoved my foot into one of my Timberland boots hearing Maggie walk in.
"Ooh cute, okay, but still, hurry."
I laughed and tied the left boot, moving to the right before standing up and grabbing my phone.
She put Watson on a leash and we walked out of my apartment.
"Kinda miss it," she said, walking down the hallway.
"Yeah, but I still live there, you can come any time. You still have the key right?"
She grinned before nodding and opening the door.
"So we're gonna go to the park?"
It's been a couple months since Awsten and I lost touch. Which I guess, it's fine. It hurts, ya'know? Elijah told me he wasn't gonna be back to LA for a while so I guess I don't have to worry about seeing him.
Or at least, I don't I think I do.
We haven't talked in forever. My friends have been Maggie, Kellen, Elijah and Sam. That's who I have. And that's perfectly fine.
Roman Holiday by Halsey started playing as we got in Maggie's car and we danced along.
"Oh we'll be looking for sunlight, or the headlights, 'til our wide eyes burn blind," I sang as we drove to the park to walk Watson. After a 20 minute drive, we arrived and got out, letting the Golden Retriever run around for a bit. My mind wandered back to Awsten. I wonder how he's doing?
"Earth to Abigail," Maggie said, waving her hand in front of my face.
"Oh, sorry, hmm?"
"I said how are you? You look distracted."
"Oh I'm," I looked down and kicked a rock, "I'm okay."
"Some things just don't work out babe," she said, reading my mind, "it's not your fault. It's not his fault. Or at least, not completely."
I nodded and furrowed my eyebrows.
"I just thought it'd work."
She smiled sadly and wrapped an arm around me.
"You'll find someone."
"I hope so."
She laughed and shook her head as her dog walked back over so she could leash him.
"Hey. look on the bright-side."
Not feeling much better, I blinked away tears I felt well up.
"What bright-side? He kissed me and made me think something was gonna happen, just for him to leave and ghost me. He led me on Mags. There's isn't a bright-side. I had feelings for him. For the first time in a long time, I liked someone."
Maggie looked over and saw me fighting the urge to cry.
"Babe, I know. That was insensitive of me, I'm sorry."
She stepped over and hugged me. I sighed and hugged her back, feeling a little better. We let go and kept walking.
"But hey, you have me. And Watson."
I laughed.
The dog looked back and me and images of Awsten holding him when he was tiny came flooding in. But I forced a smile.

Sober |a.k.|
FanficAfter talking to the only other sober person at Abigail's friend's party, her disbelief in love starts to fade away. rankings: #5 - awstenknight ; july 22, 2020 #3 - awstenknight ; august 30, 2020 #2 - jawnrocha ; august 30, 2020 #3 - elijahdaniel ;...