05 ; friend

40 2 0

I get to school, and I have history class again. I head to that class and I sit in the front, like usual. Harry enters, and he has his arm hooked around that Andrea girl.

I huff, and stand up. I make my way over to him, and grab his arm.

"Can I talk to you?" I ask, as Andrea gives me a dirty glare, but I don't give a fuck.

"I'm busy," He says, trying to get away from my grasp.

"I don't care," I smile, as andrea huffs, but now I give her the dirty glare.

"Be right back," Harry says, planting a kiss on her lips, and following me out of the class.

Once we are out there, I take a deep breath.

"Harry, please." I say.

"Please what?" He asks, rolling his eyes.

"Please don't stop being my friend," I sigh, I probably sound pathetic.

"I'm not your friend," He says. oh ok.

"Then why were you- why did you," I get interrupted by him.

"I don't want to be friends with a girl who flirts with one guy then makes out with another," He barks at me.

"I never flirted with you!" I scream.

"Yeah, you did! I flirted too, thinking hey, she seems like a pretty cool girl, but you're just like the rest, you're just a slut." He says, leaving me standing there, and walking in.

Oh no, he will not get the last word out of this.

I follow him, and we're now both in the classroom, the teacher not here yet.

"I am not a slut! Maybe your little girlfriend is, but not me! I can't believe I thought you were my friend!" I scream, the whole class looking at me, Andrea furrowing her thin eyebrows.

"I would never be your friend," He said.

"You're a real jerk," I huffed.

"And you're a real slut, we went over this didn't we?" He says, anger in his eyes.

The room fills up with 'ooh's' and I want to kill everyone in this room.

"I hate you," I say, before exiting the class.

"Okay friend," Harry laughs, making the others laugh as well.


Harry is such a jerrrrkkkkkk

Ugh now i want beef jerky

lol story frank is a dream tbh

I told real frank that he was in a story me & mariana write and he was like "ooh, get me some digits guys," hes so stupid Cx his gf's gonna woop his ass lol

Oh btw real frank has black hair and hazel eyes, oh! & a lip piercing like the one luke hemmings has and he's pretty tall, but y'all can imagine him however you would like to. (:


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