i m p o r t a n t

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note: written may 29, 2020.

no this is not a chapter update but this story has been getting a lot of traction, thank you deeply by the way, so i want to use my platform to speak about the Black Lives Matter movement!

if you have been on social media of lately you will know that George Floyd was murdered by a Minnesota police officer. he is now facing charges with third degree murder but that is not enough!

1. use hashtags! here are some

2. donate! here are some official places
- minnesota freedom fund
- the black visions collective
- george floyd memorial fund
- ahmaud arbery fund
- minnesota bail fund
- columbus freedom fund

3. cant afford to donate? sign petitions!
- george floyd @ whitehouse.gov
- george floyd @ change.org
- george floyd @ colorofchange.org
- justice for big floyd
- breonna taylor @ theactionpac.com
-breonna taylor @ change.org
text "JUSTICE" to 668366
text "FLOYD" to 55156

4. recognize your privilege!
white privilege doesn't mean your life hasn't been hard, it just means that your skin colour isn't making it even harder. it doesn't matter if you didn't ask to be white or privileged, innocent black people didn't ask to be killed either. need proof white privilege exists?

guilty white men

guilty white men

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white murderer under peaceful arrest and is under aid of the police

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white murderer under peaceful arrest and is under aid of the police.

vs innocent black lives that the system failed and killed

vs innocent black lives that the system failed and killed

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5. BLM vs ALM
although the sentiment is there saying "All Lives Matter" invalidates the racism and violence towards black people. white people are not oppressed and have never been. BLM does not take away from you and it was never meant to. all lives will only matter when black lives matter. there's still an obvious hatred towards black people in the system.

here's an example to help understand this more.
think of it this way. there are 5 kids, and one of them falls and scraps their knee. which one do you give a bandaid to? the one who needs immediate attention and care. it doesn't mean that the other children don't matter. if any of those other 4 children were to fall, we would help those too but they haven't. black people are actively being killed by police brutality, white people are not.

ACAB stands for "All Cops Are Bastards". now are there good cops? yes of course. there are people with good intentions but those intentions mean nothing if no intervention during these times occur. police choose to join this violent occupation and enforce homophobic, racist and oppressive laws, people do not choose to be black. if there are 10 good cops in a group of 1000 bad cops, but they don't do anything to intervene in situations like the George Floyd situation then there are 1010 bad cops. being silent is just as violent and you're allowing these violent acts of police brutality to continue.

7. riots and looting
merchandise can be replaced while black lives cannot be! if you being rioting is not the answer, look at past history with lgbtq rights and rights for people of colour. please do further research. i hate that it's come to this but i will stand by it. you can't expect for black lives to be oppressed for hundreds of years and for people to react peacefully, they're acting appropriately. the rich are getting richer and believe me they won't miss a few thousands out of their billion dollar net worth. large corporations like target refused to provide protestors with support, aid or products when they were teargassed by police.

these are only a few things you can do! please use your platforms no matter how big or small to speak up about this. be a part of history and work towards the justice for innocent black lives and people of colour!

i will leave a direct link to all the petitions and donations in my profile and conversation section of my profile. please go there for easy access to support! it only takes a few seconds to make a historical change!

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