Welcome To UA High

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Students crowded threw the gates of UA high. A school for the gifted generation of our future. In that pile of students, three buddy boys pushed one another around, laughing as they mocked one playfully.

A boy with yellow blonde hair, a black, lightning streak on the side, snatched up one of the other two boys' bento and tossed it in the air. He laughed as he passed it to his friend with straight, black hair and tape-like elbows. The third boy with the large tail shoved one of them to the bushes as he snatched back his lunch.

"You know you're not supposed to eat that," Sero joked, "you're supposed to bury it!"

"Hey, that's a homemade lunch!" Ojiro defended.

"Bet that's a carcass that crawled from under your bed!" Kaminari laughed.

"Come on, she makes it every year on the first day of school!" Ojiro mentioned about his mother.

"Big deal!"

Just a few feet ahead of them, a spiky, redheaded male with sharp, pointy teeth walked along the courtyard path. They sprint towards him, calling out his name.

"Hey, where you at?!" Kirishima exclaimed with a toothy grin.

They three boys gathered around him with happy faces,"where were you all summer?" Asked Ojiro.

"Who are you, my mom?" Kirishima laughed. "I've just been working, that's all."


"Yeah, simply unloading heavy boxes from deliveries in the city. I'm saving up to get me some wheels~" he hinted.

"Hey, look!" Sero pointed behind Kirishima,"there's Bakugo!"

The mentioned ash blonde smirked as he turn his head back to look at his friends. He walks up to the group with Kirishima patting behind his shoulders.

"So, what'd ya do all summer, Bakugo?"

A cocky smirk creeped in his lips as he laughed mysteriously. "And why the hell would I tell you, hah? But, uh, I was hanging down at the beach and..you know~"

"Damn, Bakugo, having chicks hanging around you now?~" Kaminari grinned.

"Shut up, Dunce Face!" Bakugo barked,"the only thing that hangs around you are the damn flies!"

"Hey, how was the action at the beach though?" Kirishima pushed on.

His smile came back just thinking about his summer with you know who. "Well, I did meet this one chick...yeah, she was cool."

"You mean she puts out?~"

"Get your head out of the damn gutter, Sparky!"

They all go inside as they laugh at the electric blonde. Just mere distance behind them. Two girls, one with a round, rosy cheek face and brown hair, and the other with (color) skin and (color) eyes, walked beside each other, the second one unsure. (You don't have a flashy quirk, so you're in general studies.)

"Do I look okay, Uraraka?"

"Sure, you look great." She assured.

"I'm really nervous..so, this is UA."

"Yep, you're going to love it!"

"I kinda liked the last school I was at," (name) reminisced,"I wish I was there, right now. Still, I'm no stranger to heartbreak.."

"Don't worry, you'll fit right in!"

At the school parking lot, a pink car pulls up in a free parking space. Stepping out of that car, three lovely young ladies with pink jackets walked along together.

"Well, here we are again." Said Mina with a bored look.

"Yeah, but this time we're third years." Jirou added.

"And we're gonna rule the school!" The girls squealed with excitement. "Alrighty, girls, let's go get 'em!"

Inside of the school's registration, (name) was hoping to find someone to help her out at this new school. Teachers were checking in for work and already dreading the year ahead of them.

"I got Bakugo again.." Mr. Aizawa groaned.

"You wouldn't be the first." Said Present Mic. "How many days till Christmas vacation?"

"86." (Name) answered as she looked at the now glummed out teacher. "I'm counting."

Present Mic left the room as he head to his class. The principal, Nezu, notice the American girl and lightly taps her leg.

"Can I help you?"

The girl gasped in surprise as she saw the small, animal hybrid below her. "O-oh, yes. This is my first day and I don't know where I'm supposed to be."

"Don't fret, child, I'll gladly help you." Nezu insisted.

"Thanks.." This should be interesting.

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