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It's been a while since (name) has ever spoken to Bakugo, which made him feel worse and more irritated. On a simple, sunny day, the T-Birds decided to hang around at the Frosty Palace. Just for fun.

On the nearby street, Seiji and the Scorpions sped through the once calm road. Disturbing the people who were trying to mind their business and they almost run them over with giving a damn in the world. The troublesome gang passed the frosty hangout as they laugh at their own fun.

Kirishima gritted his sharp teeth and glared at them,"I'm telling you, Bakugo. Those Shiketsu bastards are asking for it."

Hower, his friend wasn't paying any attention. Bakugo just stared a pavement with a look of regret in his eyes. He was obviously thinking about (name) and Kirishima noticed instantly.

"Hey, man. You still thinking about that chick?" He asked him, curiously.

The ash blonde snapped out of his train of thought after hearing his words. "Tch, are you stupid or something?"

Kirishima just shrugged as they both walk inside the cool establishment. It seemed pretty busy inside, but luckily, the guys were able to save some seats in their booth.

Bakugo suddenly noticed (name) with Midoriya near the back. They were sharing a sweet cup of ice cream with light smiles on their faces. It took a lot of his strength to not kill that so called "shitty nerd." Bakugo sat down with his back facing them but, he did steal a few glances, every now and then. She looked back at him, but only once. Watching the scene behind him made his blood boil with jealousy. Even though, he wouldn't admit it.

Mina comes out the restroom with a vanilla cone in hand. She comes close to where the T-Birds were sitting and gave a teasing grin.

"Somebody snaking ya, Bakugo?"

Bakugo glared at her,"bite a dick, Ashido!"

"With relish~" Mina walked passed the group as she slid her fingers over Kirishima's hair.

"I don't know about these chicks." Bakugo turned to his buddies.

"Yeah, they're only good for one thing~" Sero indicates.

Kaminari smirked,"then, what are you supposed to do with them for the next 23 hours and 45 minutes in a day." He laughed as Ojiro did the math in his head.

"Is that all it takes? 15 minutes?" The guys just sighed.

At the back, (name)'s wonders her eye around and lands on the jukebox.

"Do you want some new music?" She asked kindly at Midoriya.

The green haired boy stutters a "sure" response and gave her some quarters. She takes the change and walks up to the jukebox, passing through Bakugo and his pals.

The crimson eyed male gazed at (name) as she walked by. She wore a (color) dress that went an inch below the knees and a thin cloth UA sweater hanging from her shoulders. It was a simple outfit, but she looked cute to him.

"I'll be right back," he muttered at his friends. He took the long way around, even though the jukebox was right next to his booth. As (name) searched through the song lists, Bakugo approached her.

"Hey, (name).."

"Oh. Hi, Bakugo."

The male's heart clenched at what she called him. Before, (name) always said "Katsuki" in the most cheery way, like she was happy to see him. But now, he was nothing more than an acquaintance.

"Um-...h-how are you?"

"I'm doing fine."

"Alright.." he nodded. Fucking say something, damn it! "Hey, (name)... I've been wanting to talk to you for a while now."

She didn't bother to look at him. "What about?"

"About that night at the stupid bonfire. I shouldn't have acted the way I did, I guess...You see- I have this thing--" before Bakugo could explain about his reputation, (name) cuts him off.

"That's why I'm glad that Izuku's such a simple person."

She looks at the freckled boy, giving him a small wave, which he nervously returned. Bakugo tched while giving Midoriya a dark look.

He smirked. "Simple is right. Too bad Deku's such a useless nerd."

(Name) raised an annoyed brow. "Jealous much?"

"Me? Like hell, don't make me laugh!" He said with a mocking grin.

"Well, what have you ever done?" She suddenly questioned. "Without your quirk, that is."

"A lot!" Bakugo scoffs, playfully. "Besides, I can circles around those extras!"

"Hmph, I'll believe that when I see it.."

That was the end of their conversation as (name) went back to her seat with Midoriya. I guess I have to prove myself to her.. Bakugo thought to himself. She'll see..

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