Eighteen troubled teenagers wake up one morning to an even more troubling discovery. They are all vampires...
Given the chance to correct their Scrooge like behaviors, they must accept the guidance of a keeper. Assigned to each of the eighteen, Dek...
Tendrils of forgotten air swirl around the keepers coat. Shoulders squared, head cleared, and opinion frozen.
How could it be that keeping comes naturally. Perhaps in my past life, keeping things together was a bit of an issue.
The thought of reliving my past sends a shudder from the top of my spine to the soles of my feet.
Looking down at my thick soled boots, I will myself to make steady even steps. Not wanting to alert my fellow keepers, or as I shall say, collectors in training.
A keeper was once a person who signed a deal with their fate. A deal that binds them from a life of freedom. A life that ceased to be mortal the day of their deal.
Until I, a keeper, pass all of the daunting tests my professors send my way, I shall remain imprisoned. Longing for the day I become a collector.
Oh, before I get too ahead of myself, a collector is a immortal being who collects, well, I'm not sure what they collect, but from a spark deep inside, I intend to find out.
Coming forth from my muddled thougths, I find myself standing in front of the Head Masters office.
Creaking the door open a slit big enough to peer through, the bile rises in my throat.
"You asked to see me, Head Master Stoakly?" I sqeak.
His throat clears as he turns his solemn expression on me.
"Dekka, I don't have time for your skepticism." He all but huffs.
My wide eyed look must mean nothing to him, as he continues on, clearly not phased.
"Its time I sent you out for the field portion of your training, although some of your teacher's feel that you must under go more classroom training. Due to our short staff of keepers, we can't spare to loose even the weakest of links."
Offended by his remark, I go to call him out, prepared to curse him all the way back to earth. Only to be silenced by the wave of his hand.
"Your Job is to handle a group of teenage vampires"
"Vampires, seriously, that's all that you find me capable? What a joke this place is."
Turning on my heels, I swing towards the door. Feeling a rush of electricity cource through me as my fingers graze the nob. That son of a...
"ENOUGH! There are eighteen troubled teenagers out there. They will be turned into vampires, stripping them of the humanity they hang on to..."
Catching on quickly, my head shakes at the connected dots.
"You want me to guide them to redeem the very type of life they now have the ability to end?"
"There's more to it, Dekka. They must atone for all their sins and then some." He says, with less of a smirk this time.
I make a note to curse fate very colorfully. Finding it his cue to send me off, he rummages around in his desk until a duffle bag materializes. Handing me a clip board and the duffle, he sends me off.
Only when I leave the office, does the weight of what is to come fully sets in. Tomorrow eighteen teens will awake to find their tans replace with a lifeless complexion.
While I'm expected to masquerade as the keeper to all their questions, in this dreaded school issued top hat.
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