I Am Human, Too

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As I walked through the path of the unknown

I've met different persona with different goals to make me drown—

Stinging me 'till I'm drawn; Stifling words—pushing me down

Down to the pit of a fiery misery,

Misery that only in the weak—it'll break free!

Tick tock!

Clock is ticking, time is running!

Save this lowly life from ceasing!

All I need is a bit of loving

From this world where only the strong remains standing

Heed this lonely orb's plea; I want to be free!

In this loneliness—how I wish you'll see,

See that I never planned to be oppressed by this undying solitary—

Having nothing when being thrown to purgatory!

I wish that someone will find me—I have lost my way out;

I am human, too—I have a life and I just need love to live.

Unheard PoetriesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon