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Bridgette's cool, but she definitely got worse with time.

TDI: Bridgette was a really developed character this season. She had a lot of good moments and I really liked watching her as a character, and watching her relationship with Geoff develop.

TDA: The episodes were she competed were just her and Geoff kissing. They got voted out first for that. They're both great and developed characters, but then they're reduced to this. I like Geoff as a character more than Bridgette, but I like Bridgette more in the TDA Aftermath. I honestly felt bad for her a lot because of how Geoff acted, and I really like the nickname she gave Geoff: Captain Hollywood. That shit was really funny to me.

TDWT: Oh, Bridgette. You fucked up. She tried to kiss Alejandro, but he played her. She belongs to the streets. Nah, she redeemed herself. I'm Sorry was probably one of my least favorite songs in TDWT because it was kind of boring, but it served a purpose. Geoff ended up forgiving her, and that's what matters.

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