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I like DJ a lot. He got better every season imo.

TDI: DJ was a cool guy. He was a mama's boy and a big softie. He was fun to watch, I don't really have much else to say here though. His elimination was hella unfair too.

TDA: DJ got better plotlines this season even though he wasn't around for nearly as long. His alliance with Chef was very fun to watch and I loved that everyone loved his cooking. Fun fact, I made my mom put a hint of paprika in my mayo when she made me sandwiches for school when I was in 5th grade because it was DJ's secret. My brain convinced me that the sandwich was better because it was a DJ sandwich.

TDWT: Idk if this is an unpopular opinion or not, but the animal curse was fucking hilarious. Idk why, but I constantly laughed when he would cry after the animals were hurt. Oh, and if the curse hadn't happened, then one of my favorite moments in Total Drama history wouldn't have happened: 

I also felt hella bad for him when he didn't get donations in the Aftermath when he said he'd make people a dinner and eat with them. That was such a sweet offer. I would've donated.

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