I like Lindsay. She can be annoying, but she can also be funny and she's hot as fuck. I would say something here, but that's TMI and I'm sure that nobody wants to know it.
TDI: Lindsay was mostly just Heather's puppet this season. She was still entertaining, but she was a sheep. The bit where she pissed in the confession booth was funny. Her elimination this season is definitely one of the most unfair in Total Drama history (fuck you Dawn). The people who made shitty bikes weren't even at risk of elimination. Then, the people who failed to finish the race were also safe. However, I'm glad this elimination happened. First, because I like Duncan and Owen more than Lindsay, but the main reason is because of this:
That was one of the best moments in all of Total Drama. Oh, and the bit in the special where she talked about getting an eating disorder or getting her boobs done was funny.
TDA: Lindsay was good this season. Admiral Lindsay, her Hotness was good. It was nice seeing her take control. I also liked the bit where she would say "lets get Tyler to do it!" and everyone would yell at her. I forgot to mention this in the TDI part and I'm too lazy to go back, so I'll say it here. I love her relationship with Tyler. Anyways, back to TDA. You know what gets stuck in my head all the time? "You and meeeeee, like butter knives we're free, we're freeeeeeeeeeee!" I hope you guys sang that in your heads too and it wasn't just me. That would be awkward. Anyways, this was Lindsay's best season. Oh, and she was supposed to be in the finale with Duncan but wasn't because of irl conflictions with her voice actress. That would've been nice to see it. She was definitely more deserving than Beth.
TDWT: I liked that this season she didn't recognize Tyler. I am glad that they didn't drag that joke on too long though, and that she realized it was him. It was really heartwarming to see how happy Tyler got when she recognized him. Anyways, Lindsay's main thing this season was being part of Team Victory. She was just a victim to the joke of Team Victory always losing. That was funny though, so I don't really care.
TDAS: Lindsay got done DIRTY this season. They made her stupider than she's ever been just so it would make sense for her to be first boot. First boot? Lindsay? I know, that's depressing.
My Opinion on Every Total Drama Character
Acak(the cover got cut off and I was too lazy to fix it, but as the saying goes: don't judge a book by its cover) If you enjoy my multifandom (but mostly Total Drama) book, "Do I Ship?", then you will enjoy this. Each chapter of this book will be dedica...