Chapter 6

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"There are no shortcuts to anywhere worth going!"

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"There are no shortcuts to anywhere worth going!"

"Or is it?" A voice sounded.

That alarmed Phoenix. "Did you hear that?" When no one nodded, she felt worse. "What is happening to me?"

Silence wasn't so reassuring. She felt the grave need to breathe. Not just to inhale or exhale, but to feel the very essence that entitles her as a substance which is alive. The concept of forever gives one the hope of today's torture becoming something brighter but the brightness of it shall never be portrayed beforehand. The world swings in magic, as she put it.

Cyrus stood up and walked to the balcony, sniffing in the cold air to feel more contempt. It was harsh for Phoenix to go through all these when the circumstances are avoidable. But then, how much ever it hurts to put up with Titan, the truth would stab her right in the heart. Her blue eyes had more darkness than any other eye could have had. Other than the beast's.

Cyrus was turning into one.

A silent tear flew down her face as Cyrus looked at the moon. Why would anyone have a fate so bad? Why must anyone go through never-ending hardships? Phoenix was never the one who loved the concept of life, but she did put up with it hesitantly. Why crucify her for a wrongdoing she committed in the previous life?

"Because we have no other choice but to let her into the truth." Cyrus whispered softly, making sure no one heard her. "Truth being trusted by her will eat her up from the inside while the ultimate truth could in fact kill her." Sweat dripped off her forehead as she grimaced painfully.

But the day when she knows the truth would be unavoidable and irreversible. The homeostasis in which the elements stand will be destroyed for the second and ultimate time, with no return what-so-ever.

Cyrus wanted to take out all the power she had, stores inside. The energy was rumbling in the back of her throat, threatening to roar out in a thunderclap.

She had to hold on. Had to keep all these powers inside. For the sake of earth.

She was living a life with lies. Told people that she is powerful. But where is power if there is no loyalty? Why did Cyrus do the very thing she promised never to. She broke her promises. She broke trusts. And she had to get it right, at least this time.

"I don't know what to do, Lennon. I just feel frustrated." Cyrus toned her words. "I wish to tell her everything but then, the consequences are not so alluring. I mean, I am the cause of all this and if I don't do anything about it, there would not be a return." Her eyes filled with lightning, their light crackling along the blue shade of her onyx iris.

Cyrus came back inside and sat down on a chair a bit away from Phoenix, not darting her eyes from her. What if she leaves Cyrus again? The notion seemed perplexed, but all ideas are plausible.

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