Chapter 16

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This chapter is going to be a little boring so get your pillows ready!

The voice that came in her head reminded Phoenix of Titan. That's when the question came off her lips. "Is there a god named Titan Shade?" She inquired Tide.

"No." He shook his head. "Like I said, if he's a god, he wouldn't reveal his real name to mortals." A wave of disappointment caught her up. "But then maybe you could tell me what he's like."

"He claims himself to be a Trino." Phoenix said. "And he's so proud of himself that he thinks everyone around are the worst people."

Tide let out a laugh at that comment. "There's only one self consumed god in this realm." He said. "And that is the god of pride."

"God of pride? Seriously? There are deities of weird things like pride?"

"No, no. He's not just the god of pride. That's what we all refer to him as. And he's not a Trino. There are only two gods which were turned to Trino."

"Which are?"

"The god of love and that of the living." When Phoenix raised her eyebrows he nodded. "I am a Trino which leaves us with one option, god of love."

Phoenix smirked and shook her head. "Titan can't be the god of love. He can be that of hate though. And revenge too."

"Well, the god of hatred is the same person as that of the darkness, which is my wife, and if you haven't realised yet, it's a she."

"How do we tell if he's really a Trino?" She asked. "What if he's only lying?"

"The one power of the Trinos that are common in the whole species is the fact that they can change their looks. And by looks here, I mean the fact that they can change their gender without being noticed."

"Gender? So how will we know the real gender of those beings?"

"We can't unless of course, they make their gender known. The god of love is naturally male but he tries to walk around as female mostly."

Phoenix sat there in thought as to what this all should mean. Tide had said that Trinos can change their gender. "Is the hair colour of the god of love white?" She asked, wondering if that factor could help her know if Titan is a god.

"I can't say anything about that because I don't know his true form. I haven't seen him in years either."

Maybe Titan isn't after all a deity. "Are there any other Trinos which are not gods?"

"You see, Trinos which aren't gods can not be immortal. So they die. Presently, there are no Trinos which are not gods as the creator of Trinos went missing."

Tide said. "The creator of Trinos is one of the three off springs of the sun god."

"Your wife?" She questioned.

"No, she can't create anything other than low lives. She is more based on destruction than construction. The creator of Trinos is my wife's sister. The god of the sky. The atmosphere."

"So what about the other one of the three off springs of the sun?" Phoenix inquired, her interest in gods peaking inch by inch.

"He is the god of the waters. The hydrosphere. Unfortunately, all three of them are missing from the destruction of the previous earth."

"Why can't you find them? I mean, they can't be dead, right?" She said.

"It's been more than two thousand years since they went missing. We lost hope in finding them. There soul was not found, let alone their body."

"So, it has been two thousand years since your wife went missing?" She asked, taking a sharp breath. "How could I possibly help you to save someone who has been missing centuries before I came up here."

Tide walked to her and sat next to her. "It's time I tell you the truth. There are two prophecies which can lead them three back and both of these can only be fulfilled by you."

"What is the prophecy?"

Tide leaned in and started to whisper through his shaved whiskers.

"Past, the forecast of future.

To recast the aghast life,

The last ravens on the mast,

The trespassed shall be harassed.

To overcast the outcast,

Or the bypassed and the miss passed,

To avast the glassed,

Shall you be but mishap!"

"That sounded the most poetic though I only deciphered the fact that the words rhyme."

"Meeting the past and going with it, returning to the underworld of the previous earth and changing it, there fore changing the future."

"But that would destroy this world, wouldn't it?" She asked. "Changing the past is not a great idea."

"Well, without changing the past, the world will rest in the hands of the evil."

"Evil? I thought your wife was evil." Tide growled at her response. "No, I mean, isn't she the god of the underworld? She must be the god of evil too."

"Well, she is not. Death is not evil nor is she." He said. "The god of evil has now invaded the realm of hell and he will soon take the dead souls to the land, impurifying it."

"But what could I do?"

"You met the past already, thus taking care of the first prophecy. The next one will be fulfilled some time soon."

"Don't you think all these are going a bit too fast. I mean, I have only started to feel all these a couple of days ago and I already have seen a god."

"Trust me, there are faster things happening in the outside of this realm." He said. "And let me tell you this, what ever is happening to you is of some connection with that boy you talked about."

"Who? Titan? What has he got to do with all these?"

"Ask him. He will spill the beans."

She stood up abruptly and started walking away in the darkness. "Wait!" He called out which made her stop. "Remember that you can't believe women. Or at least one of them. The one which Titan can turn into."

She walked away from the pool of chaos, not knowing what she must do.

Her legs gave away, making her fall down into deepness which felt infinite. She felt like she was falling forever.

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