Chapter 13

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"He must be here soon." Phoenix said, playing with her fingers, expressing her nervousness. "Just wait, he will come. I am sure."

"Just wait, love."

"How could you be so sure? Even I can't sense him under this perimeter." Cyrus said, sipping her tea in thought. "What was his name again?"

"Titan." She spoke, "But why is he not here. I mean, maybe he knows that you can read minds. That must be the reaso-" She stopped, when the doors to the canteen opened to show Titan smiling widely at her, followed by another man. "Look, there he is."

Cyrus lifted her eyebrow as she searched the area, to find no one much too peculiar. "Where?"

"Oh no!"

Phoenix pointed at the boy who was walking to her direction. "Don't you see the blonde haired beauty?"

"Beauty? Thanks, love!"

"No, all I see is that brown-haired man. Is that Titan?" She asked, referring to the boy who was walking with him.

Phoenix started to shiver involuntarily, not knowing of this possibility nor the fact whether all her perspectives are just hallucinations. "You sure?" Cyrus confirmed. "So Titan is imaginary? I don't understand."

The man and Titan approached their table."My highness," The man said to the duo. "myself Zachary. Could I have some time with you to talk about business?" He bowed his head in respect, but Titan didn't, which angered her a bit.

Titan smiled widely at Phoenix, which made her feel the hysterics of the unknown. What is wrong with this world now-a-days?

"Sure, take a seat." Ayden allowed the man. "You may address your troubles."

"I am the prince of Lirend, and I wish to gain my territory from my sister. I am the only true heir to the throne." The man said with a tone which could be disliked already.

Phoenix kept staring at Titan, not knowing how to respond. He was visible to the teacher and students in the mythology class.

"Or was I?"

"Very well, so this is the problem between family members. I see," Ayden said, "But to get this trouble solved, we might need your sister and your parents."

"My sister wouldn't allow this to happen. Rose is too much into being the autocrat. I want my territory and justice." He said, hatred oozing through his veins.

Cyrus turned his attention to him at the name he said. "Rose? Rose Lewis?" Zachary nodded. "Then the justice lies with Rose. She can rule the way a Prince must."

"Seriously?" Phoenix spoke up. "You can't just say that because you know Rose. What if she turns out to be the worse ruler?"

"She can't. She won't." Cyrus hissed through her teeth. "Rose is a great person with leadership qualities."

"Stop behaving like that. Being irrational and not following ethics makes you the worse ruler." Phoenix said. "How could you be so sure anyways?" Phoenix inquired. "It's not like you know her for years."

"I do." Cyrus said and walked out of the room, not without gaining stares.

"She isn't wrong."

Phoenix turned to Ayden. "What did she just say?"

"She knew Rose from before." And with that, Ayden followed Cyrus, leaving her with an angry man who wants to be the autocrat and a man who seems to be a fragment of her imagination.

"Hey Edana!" The chirpy voice welcomed her as Amora sat down on the chair next to her. "How was your day so far?"

Phoenix returned a soft smile and spoke, "Unnatural. Some people keep bugging me for some reason." She said with venom, to stare at Titan who seemed unfazed through these all.

"Oh, that must be tough. Even I have to keep up with a friend who betrayed me once." Amora said, rolling her eyes and fanning herself.

"Then why not just leave her. She wouldn't bother you after she gets a clue." She said, raising an eyebrow questioningly.

"Oh, please. Without that friend the whole world did be-"

"Amora!" Zachary called at her in caution which lead her face to turn into an expression of guilt. Amora started coughing and excused herself to take a glass of water from the other side of the room, leaving Phoenix with the two boys again.

"Can you see him?" She asked out of curiosity to Zachary, referring to Titan. She couldn't at all believe that her mind was going on a horse ride.

"Of course I can. This is my best friend, Titan Shade." He said loudly as a symbol of pride. This confused Phoenix even more. Why wasn't Cyrus able to see him, nor could Ayden?

She turned to Titan and with much reluctance, asked "What are you? Or rather, who really are you?"

She expected him to raise an eyebrow and entitle her as a person with disorders but he didn't. Instead he smiled and reached over to her, whispering to her ears, "I am a trino, godling." Her breath hitched at those words, not of fear, but of knowledge. Knowledge that what was ahead of her could do anything immoral.

"And I am here to take revenge, sweet heart."

"You are a Trino?" She whispered, her eyes starting to show some colour. "What do you mean? You are a Trino? But all Trinos are-"

Word count: 900. Now, is that too short?

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