4 - My Name Is €um$lut

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I was going to just delete this story because I was worried it'd be to intense for some people. But some of you guys like it so far so hey I'm going to continue.

Just remember every female doesn't want to be treated as a princess. Some want to be used and abused and treated like an object so,

Please do not slander my comment box with hate. If this disgusts or is direspectful to you wait till I write another story or just don't read it. Everybody has their kinks. This will be a short story I have bigger plans in mind a fan gave me an idea.

So enjoy this one until I began the other one.

Dont yuck my yum . ^-^

"Get on the table in front of the sofa on all fours. Spread your legs, wider! Good, Now I want you to listen very carefully you are no longer Jazmine in my presence. Your name is €um $lut, because that's all you are. Understand? When ever you are referring to yourself you are to say, This €umslut this, or this €umslut that. Your t!ts, mouth, a$s, and pus$y belong to me. Whenever I call on you, you are to be there immediately! Drop whatever your doing and come to me. Every minute that passes after
I call on you and you aren't here, you will be punished!
You are to call me Master J. Do we understand each other?"

I thought about everything he said, I was scared, I won't lie but everything he said was making me respond in ways I couldn't understand. It was like a rush, my body was warm, my nipp!es hard, my pu$sy juices were leaking down my legs.

He gripped my c!it pinching it harshly. I cried out screaming in pain and excitement.

"Your €umslut understands Master J." I gasped.

He squeezed a few more moments, tears began falling from my eyes, then he released me. I had the intense feeling of needing to €um.

"May your €umslut €um Master J?" I begged.


He slapped my a$s then turned walking off.

"You better not move."

And I didn't, for over an hour he left me there. At first it was uncomfortable but after twenty minutes the excitement of what he would do to me lulled me into a comfortable state.

I heard footsteps and straightened my stance. Master J came into veiw and pulled a chair up and sat in front of me. I kept my eyes down looking at the table. He sat quietly watching me. I became anxious and peeked up.

'Slap' I gasped lowering my eyes.

I tried to hold back tears but I couldn't hold back the wetness gathering between my thighs.

I felt his fingers lift my chin, I lifted my head keeping my eyes closed.

"Look at me!"

I opened my eyes. His face was gentle but his eyes were serious.

"Are you sure this is what you want. I won't ask you again?"

"I... I mean this €umslut is sure Master J."

"Good, are you hungry?"

"Yes, Master J."

He stood and walked out returning a few minutes later with a tray of food. He sat back down with a ham and cheese sandwich.

"Do you like mayo?"

"Yes, Master J."

"Open your mouth!"

I did and was surprised when he put the tray down and stood instead undoing his pants and releasing his beautiful di€k. He grasped the back of my head and roughly shoved his di€k into my mouth. I sucked hungrily. Trying my best to give him pleasure.

I moaned as he used my mouth, fu€king my face. He continued shoving his di€k pass my throat gagging me and groaning loudly whenever I chocked and coughed around him.

He pulled out suddenly and reached for the sandwich. He opened it and jerked off squirting his seed on the sandwich.

When the last spurt finished he sat back down and smeared his €um on my sandwich then put the top of the bread back on my sandwich. He then placed it at my lips grinning.

I opened my mouth and took a bite.


I should've asked him to grace my food with his €um long ago.

He hand fed me the entire sandwich. When I was done he left again bringing back a dog bowl filled with water.

He placed it in front of me and waited expectantly. I leaned down lapping at the water with my tongue drinking till I was satisfied. He removed it from in front of me and put it back where ever he got it from.

He came back walked around me and stood behind me.

I cried out when his di€k was roughly shoved into me. He pounded into me relentlessly.

"Master J may this €umslut...ugh...may I....jesus."

"You have pleased me today, you may €um."

I shuddered and screamed out as I came around his shaft.

He removed himself and began walking away again.

"Do not move!"

And I wouldn't not for anything.

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