8 - Showing Her Off

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I stood in that window for at least 20 to 30 minutes. Every minute was suspense when some one walked or drove past would they see me? Would I care?

I was close to just disobeying when I saw him. Rob in his window naked and beautiful holding a cup in one hand and his di€k in the other. He stared at me stroking his di€k and I stared memorized by his actions. I started panting and sweating. I watched horny and wanting. I pressed my thighs together when I saw his face contort and his mouth open as he shot his load into the cup.

When he finished he grinned closed his curtains and was gone. I began whimpering I wanted the release, I wanted to €um. Moments later he came out front dressed as before and stared up at my wimdow, he nodded seeming glad I didn't move. He checked his watch then got in his car driving off.

1 hour later

When his car finally returned I sighed in relief. I didn't care about being comfortable or being seen, I just wanted to €um. He exited his car and walked to my house bag in hand. I heard the door then his footsteps as he entered my room.

"I'm proud of you kitten. Come here."

I turned walking slowly to cause less friction to my c!it. He grinned and dug in the bag then laid out a bikini. It was hot pink.

"Shower, put this on then a towel and run along to my house. Go around back to the pool. Remember do not €um."

I nodded and did as he asked rushing through it so I could get to Rob faster. After showering I put on the bikini and groaned. The bottom barley covered my a$s cheeks, and the bra just barely covered my nipp!es. But I think it was intentional. Rob didn't seem the type to make mistakes. I wrapped a towel around me tightly threw on flip flops and ran over across the street.

When I got to the back yard Rob was sitting in a lawn chair beer in hand with trunks on and no shirt. I walked over to him threw the towel at my feet and straddled him with out thinking. He put the beer down and put his hands on my hips looking at me thoughtfully. I grinded into his lap slowly keeping my eyes on him.

"What is it Rob?"

"Nothing, I just wish you had noticed me before my brother. I could've had you years ago."


"Doesn't matter I have you now. Come here I want to taste you."

I leaned forward kissing him. Slowly tasting his lips and tongue, the beer still lingered in his mouth. He reached between us and pushed my bikini bottoms to the side sticking his fingers in me.

I shuddered and began riding on his fingers like it was a di€k, as before he seemed to know I was going to €um and removed his fingers.

He pulled away and smeared my juices on my lips. He leaned forward again kissing me, my pu$sy juice making the kiss sweeter. He finally stopped and groaned.

"Enough, your testing my own control. Are you thirsty?"

"Sure." he grinned and reached under his chair pulling out the cup he had came in from earlier.

I reached foward grabbing for it, he moved it away.

"Patience, head back mouth open. "

I did so waiting excited. I could only dream of doing such nasty things as this. He tipped the cup over my mouth slowly it dripped from the cup in one long stream, it hit my tongue and slid down to my throat where it stayed until he finished. I held it in my mouth showing him then swallowed licking my lips.

"More, but, this time I want it warm."

"You teasing s!ut. Get up get in the pool."

I giggled and ran diving in, he jumped in after me I swam away he chased me until finally he stopped me in a corner. My back in the corner Rob in front of me, he stalked closer eyes hungry for me. As soon as he was chest to chest with me I wrapped my arms around his neck kissing him. He undid the strings on my neck, back and waist releasing the peices of bikini then pulled them from me.

You Stole Me & My Heart (Interracial )Where stories live. Discover now