5 - Rob & Realizations

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About two hours later, I froze when I heard the front door. Keys jingling had caught my attention first. I kept my head straight not wanting to be in trouble but I listened to every sound as that door opened.

I heard a sharp intake of breath, then a

I heard the steps come closer to me, then a pair of feet. They were black sleek dress shoes and dress pants. A mocha colored finger came into view and lifted my face.

I kept my eyes closed.

"Open your eyes."

My body trembled.

The voice was deep and alluring but, had a sterness to it that didn't require him to raise his voice. I opened my eyes, a demi god stood before me. Eyes dark as night, short curly black hair, plump lips, and the most intense eyes I had ever seen. His body was muscular like Jason's but not as over did. He was beautiful.

"You don't remember me do you?"

I shook my head dumbfounded.

"Talk when I ask you something?"

I trembled again, I loved a man who demanded what they wanted.


"Sir." He corrected.

"No sir."

He smiled and I smiled with him.

"I'm Rob, Jason's older brother."

I gasped. He looked so different from Jason but, actually I would've noticed, I had my sights on Jason for so long I paid no mind to what his brother looked like.

"Your Jazmine right?"

I nodded then cringed, would he slap me for forgetting. I looked up his face had a irritated look.

"Im not going to hit you, please don't do that."

"Sorry, my name's...cu...€umslut sir."

I looked down, now that my sexual energy wasn't taking over my mind I realized how embarrassing that name was. The irritated looked came back.

"Your birthname please?"

"Ja..Jazmine sir."

"Beautiful, like you."

I blushed looking away. He released my chin and sighed, I looked up. Did I do something wrong? Then hurridly looked down again.

"You can look at me, I won't bite."

I looked up confused, why couldn't Jason be as attentive and nice?

Was this worth it just to prove to myself I could get what I wanted, and what about those feelings Jason gave me, it wasn't love. It was just a rush like I've never felt. I never had any sexual act that wasn't dictated by me. It excited me to let someone take over for a change.

But did it have to be Jason, would anyone else understand what I needed or think I was crazy for wanting such things.

"It's not any of my buissness but, don't fall in love with him just for the sexual thrill. You can find someone who loves you and get that, not someone like him who just wants to use you."

"What makes you think he doesn't want me?"

He stared at me waiting, looking patient then I reliazed what I did wrong.


He smiled nodding. I tried not to think about the fact Jason would have reacted negativily if I'd forgotten with him.

You Stole Me & My Heart (Interracial )Where stories live. Discover now