Chapter 25: Morning of Many Truths

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Chapter 25: Morning of Many Truths

Chibi-Usa and CereCere escorted the exhausted Midori to her apartment, then bid each other bonsoir for the night. The excitement had worn Midori out so much that she didn't bother changing into her nightgown; she just threw her shorts off, collapsed on her bed and fell asleep.

Meanwhile, the other two rejoined the three Yoeda sisters waiting for them, eager to find out the results of the competition. Chibi-Usa and CereCere's grim expressions caught them off guard, and PallaPalla asked, "What happened? Did you lose?"

"Not exactly..." CereCere frowned, then said, "Chibi-Usa wants to talk to Luna and Artemis about something."

"Huh? About what?" JunJun wondered.

"I'll tell you guys all about it."

"Thanks, CereCere," Chibi-Usa nodded and went to her bedroom. She really wanted to speak to the cats about what happened. She retrieved Luna-P from next to her pillow and pushed the button acting as the feline toy's nose, then aimed the projected image on a wall. To her surprise, neither of the feline advisers were on the other end to answer her call. Instead, a small grey-furred kitten with large red eyes and a crescent on its forehead stared intently into the screen.

The kitten gasped with delight and exclaimed, "Small Lady!"

"Diana?" Chibi-Usa asked. "What are you doing there? I thought your parents didn't allow you to play around the communications center."

"Ah... Well, I..." the embarrassed cat mumbled, and then pleaded, "Don't tell Mama and Papa about this, 'kay!?"

"Uh, that's going to be a bit of a problem. I want to talk to them about something important."

Diana offered, "I could chat with you, if you want!"

"Okay... But this isn't your average girl talk."

"You can tell me anything you want!"

"Well, this is what's going on..."


It wasn't until late in the morning the next day that Midori was awake enough to reconvene with Chibi-Usa and the Yoedas in their apartment. By now, VesVes, JunJun and PallaPalla were caught up with last night's events and sat around Midori on the sofa.

"So... She knows who we are," JunJun sighed and crossed her arms. "This is gonna get a lot more complicated now."

PallaPalla asked, "You think so? I think it's become a lot easier now."


"Midori's always been in danger and worried about whether or not she would be rescued by us. Now that she knows, she can rely on us a lot more. And if we have some difficult problem that we can't overcome, we can ask her for any ideas."

"What 'difficult problems' could she possibly help us with? She's not a Sailor Soldier, so she can't fight with us," VesVes retorted. "I'd hate to put it this way, but she'd only get in the way during a battle."

"Hey, that's not nice!"

"No, she's right," Midori assured, then lied, "I would be little more than an encumbrance. That's why I always run away whenever one of those creatures appear."

"But even so..." PallaPalla sulked, then suggested, "Maybe we can ask for your opinions about stuff that's bothering us, such as that mystery Sailor Soldier."

"Hey, don't mention that!" CereCere snapped, but it was too late.

Midori curiously asked, "Mystery Sailor Soldier?"

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