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Michael Burns, Star Labs owner and CEO, tapped the microphone as he cleared his throat and fixed his blue blazer. "Good morning." He said, looking down at his papers.

Michael was about to announce the beginning of his social experiment where ten specially selected women would be locked in a simulator for three months. The women would be observed and monitored over the weeks they would be in the simulator. The women were all selected based on their skills.

"You are all here today to witness the start of something amazing. This social experiment will change how we view human interactions in isolation. This simulator has been specially designed by our scientists at Star Labs and the women involved in the experience have been specially selected based on their skills." Michael said.

Michael presses the button on the projector. "Meet Gideon. She is the Artificial Intelligence aboard the Waverider simulation. She will help the team through their months in isolation."

"Hello, Michael." Gideon's voice filled the air.

Michael looked around the crowd of photographers and reporters. "Now, let's meet the team who will be boarding the Waverider in less than ten minutes." He said. "First up..." Michael pressed the button and the projector changed to a picture of a woman's face. "Meet Sara Lance, the Captain aboard the Waverider. She has excellent leadership skills and will keep the team in line." He pressed the button again. "Meet Lena Luthor. She is a genius. She can think her way out of any situation." He pressed the button again. "Meet Kara Danvers. She is a reporter for CatCo Magazine and will write a story about her experience on the Waverider after the experiment is over." He pressed the button again. "Meet the doctors Alex Danvers and Caitlin Snow."

Michael pressed the button again and the face changed. "Meet Ava Sharpe, the chef." He pressed the button again. "Meet Laurel Lance. She will be the voice of reason aboard the Waverider." He pressed the button again. "Meet Felicity Smoak. She will keep the technology aboard the Waverider working."

Michael pressed the button for the final time. "Finally, meet Dinah Drake and Nyssa Raatko. These two women will keep the team safe on the Waverider."

The crowd clapped their hands, everyone was excited to see how this would play out.


"Don't." Nyssa snaps out, moving away from Sara. "Do not patronize me, you are the one who cheated on me with that woman."

"I'm your captain now. You have to listen to me." Sara said.

"Are we ready girls?" Michael asked, stepping into the room where the ten women were getting ready to enter the simulator.

The ten women were all dressed in identical Star Labs t-shirts and sweatpants.

Nyssa scoffs and turns her back on Sara. "I will do no such thing."

"You can't talk to her like that." Ava said.

"Girls." Michael said. "Calm down. It's almost time."

Nyssa turns and glares at the man, only calming down when Laurel steps forward and touches her lower back.

"Relax Nys, it's just for three months." The blonde says softly.

Closing her eyes, Nyssa takes a deep breath and leans into her best friend. "I can't be around them."

"Tough. You signed up for this. You knew what you were getting into and now you don't have a choice. It's time to enter the simulator." He nodded towards one of the Star Labs Scientists.

A cameraman turned on his camera and began filming this historic moment. He moved round all the women, capturing their faces.

The scientist moved to the big metal circular shaped door in the middle of the room and pulled it open. It looked like the door to a spaceship.

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