Chapter Three

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Nyssa sighs as another warning alarm happens. It had been the third one that day and she was done with them already.

"What is it this time?" Nyssa groaned as she entered the control room where everyone had already gathered.

"I don't know. It makes no sense." Sara mumbles, tapping rapidly on the computer in front of her. "Felicity? Gideon?"

Felicity was looking through the instruction manual she had been given for the Waverider. "This isn't a normal alarm."

"Gideon, a little help here?" Sara said.

"I'm sorry Captain Lance, but I am not programmed for this alarm." Gideon responds.

"What?!" Sara asked. "What do you mean you aren't programmed for this alarm? Felicity?"

Felicity continues flipping through the manual. "It's not here."

Sara groaned in frustration, hitting her hand off the side of the computer screen. "Lena, you're the genius. What do we do?"

"Try turning everything off and back on again." Lena said.

Nyssa releases a soft groan and moves to get up.

"Really, Lena, that's the best you can come up with?" Sara said.

"I can't exactly come up with a solution if I don't know what the alarm is for." Lena mumbled.

Rolling her eyes, Nyssa heads into the engine room and everything suddenly gets shut off before rebooting.

"What was that?" Sara asked.

Felicity frowns and looks up as Nyssa walks back into the room.

"At least the alarm has stopped." Felicity said with a shrug.

Sara sighs and nods her head. "Thankfully. Gideon, what was that all about? And don't tell me you don't have access you've got access to everything on this ship"

"I am terribly sorry Captain Lance. I do not know what the alarm was for or why it happened." Gideon responds truthfully. "However, it seems I have lost complete contact with Mr. Burns and the creators of this Simulation."

"You've what?" Sara asked, confused.

"I can no longer share the results of each simulation with Mr. Burns." Gideon says.

"Which means what?" Sara asked.

"We are on our own." Lena said.

"Precisely." Gideon responds.

"What do you mean we are on our own?" Kara asked. "We are supposed to get out of here after three months."

"According to my calculations you have been here for about a year already." Gideon responds.

Nyssa frowns. "How is that possible? We've only been here about a month now."

"Gideon, I think you need a reboot." Felicity said. She opened her diary and flipped to the page where she was marking off the days. "We've only been here a month." She turned the diary to show the rest of the group.

"Forgive me Miss Smoak, but it has been a year." Gideon responds, pulling up an article on the day they first went into the simulation and then pulling up another article from three months later.

Dead Roaming the Earth.

"Gideon, how has it been a year? We haven't slept through any days." Caitlin asked.

"Could this have anything to do with the injections you've been giving us?" Ava asked.

Caitlin and Alex shook their heads. "No those injections were to keep us healthy and prevent us from catching anything that the others may have while we were confined down here." Alex responds.

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