Chapter Five

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Two months later

Kmart was nervous as she walked into the medical room. Looking for Caitlin or Alex.

Caitlin sat in a chair with her back to Kmart.

"Caitlin?" The teenager calls out softly.

Caitlin jumped and turned. "Yeah?"

"Um, I haven't been feeling well for a couple days and I was wondering if you could check me over?" Kmart asks nervously.

"Sure." Caitlin said. "Take a seat." She nodded towards the bed.

Moving over to the bed, Kmart sits down.

Caitlin stood up and moved over to Kmart. "So, how have you been feeling?"

"I've been really nauseous."  Kmart responds softly. "I've thrown up a couple of times in the morning, and that's usually when it happens. But the nausea lasts all day."

"Hmmm." Caitlin frowned. "Any stomach pain?"

The teen shakes her head. "No, just the nausea and vomiting."

"Lie back. I'm going to do an ultrasound." Caitlin said.

Laying back, Kmart looks at Caitlin. "What's an ultrasound?" she asks in confusion.

"It's basically a picture of your stomach." Caitlin said.

Nodding her head slowly, Kmart frowns. "Okay."

"Gideon, set up the ultrasound machine, please." Caitlin said.

"Right away, Miss Snow." Gideon said.

Kmart shifts on the bed nervously. "I had sex two months ago." she says instantly.

"Okay." Caitlin said.

The blonde was nervous as she waited for Caitlin to check her over.

"Okay. Um... you're pregnant." Caitlin said, looking at her screen as she took an ultrasound of Kmart's stomach.

Kmart instantly pales. "Can we not tell anyone?" she asks softly. "Until I figure it out."

"Okay." Caitlin said.

"Thank you." The now nineteen year old says softly, getting up.

Caitlin sighed. "Anything else?"

Shaking her head, Kmart quickly left the room. Bumping into Laurel and flinching.

"Hey, you okay?" Laurel asked.

"Um yeah, I'm great." she breathes out, not looking at the older woman.

"Are you sure?" Laurel asked.

Swallowing thickly, Kmart shakes her head. Tears were filling her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Laurel asked softly.

"I'm pregnant." the teen barely gets out.

Laurel paled. "You're pregnant." She echoed.

Nodding her head, Kmart bursts into tears. "I'm pregnant."

Laurel pulled Kmart into a hug.

The teen instantly curls into her and buries her face in Laurel's chest.

Laurel kissed her head. "It's going to be okay."

"I'm sorry." Kmart whispers through her tears.

"Sorry?" Laurel asked with a confused look on her face.

Kmart pulls back and looks up at Laurel. "You didn't even want to sleep with me at first and now I'm pregnant."

"Hey, it's okay." Laurel said. "Calm down."

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