Author's Note

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As mentioned on the first page, this is going to be a slight AU.

I went on the Supernatural fandom wiki page and did some research on nephilim and I think I'm going to change it up a bit. Instead of them being harmful to society, they're gonna be helpful. The main reason I created Angelica is so that she can help Sam and Dean fight evil and kill the bad supernatural creatures. So I think that's gonna be the job of the nephilim: to help supernatural hunters fight and kill evil.

The other part of the story that's going to be a slight AU is the beginning where Sam and Dean's mother is killed and their father goes missing. I already talked about this a little in my misc book, but I'll say it again. Their mother isn't going to be killed by a demon and their father isn't going to be missing because he's looking for it. That's all going to be for different reasons. I think I'm gonna have their mother just die from something natural and not supernatural. And their father is just missing because he wants his boys to find him while taking care of the family business along the way. I want it to seem like John knows what's up and he's kind of got a plan for why he's missing. He wants to help his boys get on track with helping him and learning about the family business along the way.

The last thing I want to mention is that there'll be more information regarding the nephilim and their powers on my Meet My OCs book. Right now I've just been researching and taking notes of how I want to portray them. Hopefully I'll have some time to update it and you'll be able to read about them very soon!

Hope everyone has a great day! Love you guys! 😁

05.31.2020 Update

I've come up with an idea for the plot. The story is going to be seperated into 3 acts. The first 8 chapters are Act 1. The second 7 chapters are Act 2. And the third set of 7 chapters is Act 3. Also I'm naming each chapter the supposed name of each Supernatural episode. As you might know already I just posted the first chapter and am super excited for the progress of the characters! I've already grown attached to them and I can't wait to share their story with you!

And one other thing, I've come up with another OC that will be featured in Act 2. I plan on her being a supporting character, so she's not going to have a big, important role in this story.

I'll update you guys if I have any more news to share. Have a great day!

06.01.2020 Update

I have requested for a trailer to be made! I'm not sure yet if it's going to be accepted, but I'll let you know if it is!

06.02.2020 Update

The request has been accepted!! I'm gonna have a trailer!

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