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1 Week Earlier

The sound of heels clicking against tile floor was the only thing heard in the long hallway up in Heaven. Right now Angelica was on her way to her dad's office for a meeting. She heard some of the angels gossiping about these hunter guys whose names she immediately forgot. Angelica could only wonder what this meeting was truly about.

Upon arriving at her father's office she slipped off her shoes and set them to the side. It was tradition that anyone who entered an angel of higher power's office should take off their shoes. After doing so she knocked twice until she heard a faint "come in."

"Hey dad." Angelica greeted as she slipped into a chair in front of her father's desk.

Castiel was a pretty busy man. He was what you could call the leader. His job consisted of two things: keeping tabs on the angels and handing out tasks and missions. A typical mission would entail an alliance between the angel given the task and the hunters hunting supernatural creatures. The angel's job would be to look out and help the hunters in any way possible. They'd basically be their guardian angel. Angelica's younger sister, Cassie always dreamed of being given a mission. It was basically her one goal in life. But today wasn't her day. Instead, it was Angelica's.

"You want me to do what?!" Angelica screeched.

"You heard me, Angie. I want you to go down to Earth and look after the Winchester brothers." Castiel seemed a bit suprised that his oldest daughter didn't want the job. He always thought that it was something she wanted to do.

"Ok, I'll do it. I'm just a bit taken aback by the fact that you chose me! I mean, there's a million other angels you could've chosen and you chose me. I'm not even a full angel, dad! I'm a freaking half breed!"

Castiel was shocked again at Angelica's sudden outburst. He never knew she felt like this. He reminded himself to talk to her more often to see how she's doing. She may be fully grown, but she still needed her father every now and then.

"Angie, I chose you for a reason. You might not know it now, but you will. You'll see just how special you are. Your sister too. You're both unique in many ways. And one day you'll see it." There was a slight pause after his words. Angelica slowly processed everything he said before sighing.

"Alright, dad. So, when does this mission start? I've gotta pack right?" Angelica was becoming a bit more excited now. It might not have been her dream to go on a mission, but that doesn't mean she couldn't enjoy it and have fun.

"Your mission starts in a week. I expect you to be packed and ready to go by sunrise on Monday."

"Alright, sounds like a plan." Angelica looked up at her dad and smiled. She then pushed back the chair and got up and was about to walk out the door when Castiel stopped her.

"I'm gonna miss you, Angie." He whispered before fluttering over and pulling his daughter into a tight hug.

Angie let out another sigh before murmuring, "I'll miss you too, dad."



Angelica and her sister, Cassie were stood side by side outside their house up in Heaven watching their father as he worked on the portal that would take Angelica straight to Earth and to her assigned targets.

Castiel spent a couple hours each day telling Angie everything he knew about the Winchesters. He also mentioned that they would not know about her coming, but they would be expecting someone.

"Alright, I think it's done." Castiel announced to the group.

"One last hug?" Cassie asked with glossy doe brown eyes.

"Of course. Come here little sis." The two girls hugged the life out of each other before Angelica let her go. Though Cassie was determined to keep her there.

"Please don't go! I'm gonna miss you too much!" Cassie cried.

"Oh stop acting like a fledgling. I'll be back before you know it. Who knows, maybe dad will let you come down and see me." Angelica gave Castiel a sly wink to which he responded with an eye roll.

"K, I gotta go Cassie. I'll see you later, alright?"

"Yeah, I'll see you later. I love you."

Angelica chuckled and gave Cassie a kiss on the head. "I love you, too."

As Cassie went inside Castiel stepped up and spoke with her.

"Be careful down there. I know you can protect yourself, but I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

"I'll be ok, dad. Don't worry." Angelica reassured.

"I guess this is goodbye then." Castiel mumbled with a sigh.

"Hey, don't think of it as goodbye. Think of it as see you later. That's what I told Cassie, isn't it?"

"You're right. Gosh, why are you always so smart?"

"Because I was taught by the greatest man I ever knew." Angelica smiled pulling her father into one last hug.

By then it was time for Angelica to head down to Earth, so as she pulled away from her father she stepped up into the portal and was finally whisked away to the land down below.

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