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Previously on Camouflage...

"Hey dad." ...

"You want me to do what?!" ...

"I'm just a bit taken aback, I mean, you chose me of all people! Me! Out of the million you could've chosen." ...

"I'm a freaking half-breed, dad!"

"Angie, I chose you for a reason." ...

"When do I start?" ...

"Monday." ...

"Alright, I think it's done." ...

"One last hug?" ...

"I'm gonna miss you." ...

"I love you, dad." ...

"Be careful." ...

"Earth, here I come."



When Angelica appeared on Earth it was nothing like she imagined. The state of Colorado was known for its snow capped mountains and chilly atmosphere, not the sun. Up in Heaven the weather was always warm. Angelica would definitely need to go shopping.

"Hey!" Angelica spun around at the call. Turns out she wouldn't have to find Sam and Dean. They found her.

"Hello there. My name is Angelica and I guess you could call me your guardian angel. Also I'll smash your head into a brick if you get me killed." Angie then gave them the brightest smile she could muster.

"I like this girl." The guy, who Angie guessed was Dean whispered to his brother with a smirk. "I'm Dean Winchester, the better brother." Dean held out his hand for her to shake and she shook it. Sam scoffed lightly and then introduced himself as the nicer brother.

"So, now that introductions are over I say we get on our way to killing this thing." Dean started walking back to his car when suddenly Angelica teleported in front of him.

"Woah there buddy. A little close don't you think?" Dean was then slapped in the face.

"First of all don't call me 'buddy'. And second of all I have no clue what we're supposed to be hunting. So would it hurt for you guys to fill a girl in?!"

By this time Sam had walked over. He placed his hand on Angie's shoulder and muttered, "I'm sorry about him. He gets a little excited about our hunting trips."

"That's ok. I understand. It'd just be nice to know what we're hunting first. You know, so I can help. That is why I was sent, you know?"

"Yeah, of course! Sorry about that. I just thought you knew everything already." Dean apologized and got back out of his car, but this time with a slip of paper in his hands.

"This here will tell you everything you need to know about what we're hunting."

As Angelica looked over the paper her eyes widened a bit.

"Wendigo? Are you sure?" She asked. She wanted to make sure they knew exactly what they were fighting before they fought it.

"Positive." Dean and Sam assured simultaneously.

"Alright then." Angie folded the piece of paper back up and handed it to Dean. She then took out her sunglasses and got in Dean's Impala. "Let's kill this thing."


Once they arrived at the State Park Dean parked the Impala a couple spots to the left of the entrance and unbuckled his seatbelt. He turned around in his seat so that he was facing Angie and quietly slipped her an ID.

"What do I need this for?" Angelica asked with a raised brow.

"So the cops don't know who you are." Dean explained.

"Uh huh. That's hilarious." Angelica let out a small chuckle and gave Dean a smirk before tossing the card out the window.

"Why'd you do that? You need that!" Sam and Dean seemed utterly confused as to why she insisted not to use the ID.

"You two do realize that you're the only ones who can see me down here, right?"

Both brothers' eyes went wide as they realised their mistake. They would definitely need to research more about angels.

"So, what are you exactly? Your boss says that you're an angel, but a little different. What's that mean?"

Once again Angelica let out a little laugh. "My boss? Ha, as if. He's my father actually. He just decided that I'd be good for this mission, so he chose me." Angelica looked up at Sam and Dean to see if their expressions changed, but to her delight they were just as confounded as before.

"I'll tell you guys all about me and where I come from later. Right now we have a job to do." Angelica smirked before opening the door and getting out.


The Night Before

"Dude, you're cheating!" A young teenage boy named Brad exclaimed as he played on his game console.

"No, you just suck." His friend, Gary replied.

Suddenly the boys hear a low guttural growl coming from outside their tents.

In a seperate tent, a third teenage boy named Tom starts to record a video message on his phone to his sister.

"Hey Haley, day six, we're still out near Blackwater Ridge. We're fine, keeping safe, so don't worry, okay? Talk to you tomorrow." Tom stops recording and sends the message without noticing the dark shadow that passed outside behind him.

Back in the other tent Brad turns off his game system and tosses it aside. Gary stares at his screen for a moment, then turns to look at Brad.

"Hey, where ya goin'?" Gary asks. "My moment of victory."

Brad looks at him as he unzips the tent and heads out. "Nature calls."

He goes over to a tree to do his business when suddenly a stick snaps. Brad looks in the direction the sound was made and notices the trees rustling. He shakes his head and returns his attention downward, then looks back up. Another growl is heard before Brad lets out a yell for help and then silence ensues.

Inside his tent, Tom was reading a book when he heard Brad scream. Gary hears the same and rolls over.

"Brad?" Gary calls.

Tom sits up in his tent and says, "Gary, what's goin' on?"

Gary unzips his tent and sticks his head out to get a look around. At first he sees nothing, but then the same growl is heard and Gary is pulled out of his tent screaming.

Tom turns out his lantern afraid the creature would spot him. A dark shadow moves very quickly around the outside of Tom's tent. Tom looks around trying to spot whatever was stalking him. He hears more growling and then silence falls. Something slashes open Tom's tent and Tom is taken in a bloody heaping mess.

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