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i should've taken my mom's advice.

꒰ hyunjae. ꒱

"yo, hyung!" i turned around to see juyeon & the others.

i gave them a little smile as they caught up with me.

"wanna play basketball?" jacob swung his arm around my shoulders. "sure." i smirked.

we all went to the court.

i threw my bag down the floor & grabbed a ball.

jacob, juyeon, and sangyeon hyung are a team & eric, sunwoo, and i are a team.

i dribbled the ball and passed it to eric.

and with that, we played for almost an hour??

we took a break and laid down the cold floor.

jacob then stood up. "i'll get us some water." he said and walked away.

i stood up & walked towards the bleachers when i heard a thud.

i turned to the direction where i heard the thud and saw yeonhee on the floor.

jacob then reached out his hand & yeonhee accepted it.

then they started talking to each other.

they just met a second ago & now, they're getting along well? unbelievable.

i scoffed at myself.

"yeonhee!" chanhee yelled & the two glanced at him but then talked to each other again.

"they seem to be getting along already.." changmin stated.

"jacob hyung! hurry up at getting our water bottles and play with us!"

i don't know why, but i mentally thanked juyeon for interrupting their moment.

"yeah, wait!" he responded.

he then shook yeonhee's hand and left the court.

"tch." i rolled my eyes.

i went back to where eric and sunwoo was laying down at.

i then grabbed the ball & dribbled it.

my thoughts were then distracted because of voices.

"what's between you and jacob hyung?"

"you two were having a moment there earlier."

"i ship."

i then stopped dribbling the ball and tightened the grip of it.

what's happening to me?

i just puffed out my breath and started dribbling again.

"i'd rather you ship me with hyunjae." i heard yeonhee said.

i then unknowingly smiled at myself.

geez, what the fuck is wrong with me?

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