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one day, i will be.

꒰ yeonhee. ꒱

my period days is finally over and i am now happily making myself breakfast.

chanhee was still sleeping in his bedroom so i can sing all i want here in the kitchen without anyone judging me.

when i was about to take a bite of my nutella-filled bread, the doorbell rang.

i fucking hate that doorbell.

i stomped towards the door and swung the door open.

i can't believe these people standing infront of my eyes.

my eyes widened, my heart suddenly felt heavy, my fist curled into a ball, and i gritted my teeth.

my fucking parents.

"what're you doing here?!" i yelled at their faces.

"yeonhee? what's happening─" chanhee stopped as he recognized these people infront of our door.

the man stepped forward with a stern face.

"we want you back."


"you will continue your education at china." the woman said.

i don't wanna address them as mom and dad anymore.

"why??" chanhee crossed his arms.

"we just want to get our son and daughter ba-"

"don't consider us as your son and daughter anymore, lady." i cut her off.

she was then surprised by my words but then scoffed. "i know you two are mad at us. but we can still have you back. we are your biological parents after all."

"after all? after all you have let us been through??"

"you can't do anything about this."


"yeonhee, chanhee. enough. it's all final. cut all connections with your friends. forget about this place and start a new life at china."

they then stood up. "we'll come back again later."

they then finally stepped their nasty crusty asses out from our house.

"motherfuckers.." i angrily mumbled under my breath.


"yeonhee?" a knock was heard on my room's door.


"can we like.. talk?"

"yeah, sure chanhee. come in."

he then went in my room and sat at the edge of my bed.

"i talked to the boys.." he sighed.

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