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so let's see how hard you actually are when i leave.

꒰ yeonhee. ꒱

it's been five damn years since we started living here at china.

me and chanhee had a very hard time understanding and communicating with these foreign languaged people.

we have average grades, not too high, not too low. i was very low on math and science. it's already a hard subject but these people speak chinese??

i banged by head by the wall beside me. i have been studying for the finals.

but while studying though, my mind is always distracted. i wonder about the boys and hyunjae.. and kobi.

i let out a sigh. i wanna go back to them..

someone knocked on my door & it opened, even though i didn't say that they can come in.

"yeonhee, i need help at my science test." chanhee whined, plopping down my bed.

i groaned. "chanhee, i'm already stressed at my math test."

"i'll help you with that then. just please help me with my science.."

"ugh, fine."

we then studied together in my room. our science and math textbooks aren't helping either 'cause its all in chinese characters.

"yeonhee, can we like.. rest??" chanhee laid down the floor.

i sighed. we really need to study, but we also need to rest. and so, i nodded and he let out a sigh of relief.

"hey-" he turned to me. i just raised a brow at him. "let's go to the mall."


we both got ready to go out our house. yes, our parents bought us our own house. and that's good actually lol

"let's go?" he made sure i'm ready. i nodded and we went out.

we went in his car, with him in the driver's seat. we're legal now, don't you worry.

he then drove us to the mall & we went shopping.

"chanhee, stop putting random things in our cart. we'll go broke."

"then remove some of your things. my 'random things' may be many, but it's CHEAP and yours is SO EXPENSIVE. so, it's YOUR FAULT if we will be BROKE at the end of the day."

i just rolled my eyes at his blabbering.

"yeah, yeah, you're the smart one, i know. just shut up and let's go pay for these."


we got back home as the sun was setting.

i lazily went by the front door, thinking that we still have to continue studying.

"wait, wait, wait.." chanhee ran infront of me before i twist the doorknob.

"what?" i asked him with a hint of annoyance in my voice.

"i'll go in first." he said before swiftly entering the house and shut the fucking door in my face.

annoyance filled my body and i swear i'm going to punch him in the face when i go in.

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