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and that's just the things i'm into lately.

꒰ yeonhee. ꒱

its finally thursday and we're gonna go have fun at the amusement park.. after school.

"let's go one last time at the school garden?" jacob asked and i nodded.

we sat at our usual bench by the little pond in our school garden and grabbed our usual sandwiches.

"so.. i wanna tell you something.." he spoke and coughed a couple times. "are you okay?" i asked, worried. he just nodded.

"let's meet here, at the same place.." he added and took a last bite on his sandwich before throwing the wrapper in the nearby trash can.

i slowly nodded and did the same thing he did earlier.

"let's go to class."


the bell rang, indicating it's dismissal.

i puffed out my breath and stretched my arms up high.

i then remembered to meet jacob. right..

i hurriedly packed up my things and went to the said place.

jacob was already there, with his back facing me. i tapped his shoulder and he turned around with a smile.

he then hugged me. "j-jacob? are you fine..?" i asked, startled. he nodded, at the same time coughing.

"you sound sick.. are you really fine?" i grabbed his shoulders and pulled him away from me for him to face me.

"i-i just caught a cold yesterday.."


"b-because.. i─"

before he could finish, i was suddenly pulled away by force.

it was dragging me away from jacob and we arrived shortly at the back of the school.

i looked up to see hyunjae. "h-hyunjae??" he looked at me directly in the eye.

he looks so scary omg wtf is happening─

he suddenly pinned me against the wall. my heartbeat raised and i couldn't look at him in the eye so i stared at my feet.

"do you like jacob?" he softly asked. i gulped. idiot, i like you, how many times do i have to tell you that??

"no." i answered.

"c-can you look at me?" he said in a pleading voice. i bit my lower lip and lifted up my head to meet his gaze.

he stared at me for a while before engulfing me in a tight hug. "i-i can't help but feel jealous whenever you're with jacob.. i felt furious earlier.. i'm sorry."


say what now??

i was so confused at what is currently happening.

"i couldn't find the perfect timing to say this.." he broke the hug and held my hand.

"i told you to fuck off in the past but i'm glad you didn't listen." he chuckled while playing with my fingers. "i should've been nice to you but regrets are always too late.."

he then intertwined his fingers with mine and slightly smiled.

"your wish is my command." he said, looking at me again. "i return your feelings."

i widened my eyes and covered my mouth with my other hand that he wasn't holding.

i let out a dramatic gasp. "y-your kidding, right?!"

"may i court you?" he asked, ignoring my earlier statement.

i seriously don't know what to say and my eyes roamed everywhere but his intimidating eyes.

"i mean it." he added to assure me.

i bit my lower lip and nodded.

just then, a snap was heard following by a flash.

we both turned our heads and saw the other boys behind a tree.

all of us then looked at each other awkwardly.

"i ship...?"


we all arrived at the amusement park and stared in awe at all the rides and games.

"let's go there!" hyunjae grabbed my arm and dragged me at a horror house.

"are you fucking crazy?!" i yelled, terrified at the sight of the house infront of me. he then laughed at my reaction. it wasn't even funny?!

he suddenly dragged me inside with him.

i shut my eyes the whole time and clung unto him. whenever someone screams i screamed along while hyunjae laughs out loud.

we are finally outside the house and my legs gave in. before i fall to the ground, hyunjae caught me, still laughing.

"where were you guys?!" we heard chanhee. "yeah! just because you're courting noona doesn't mean only you two will have this moments of your life." eric cutely stomped his foot.

hyunjae and i then laughed.

"alright, alright."

we all had fun and went in all kinds of rides.

we were walking towards the cotton candy area when someone playfully jumped on my back, earning me to stumble.






"who is peppa-"

"guys just shut up and lets eat cotton candy"




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