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Seoul, South Korea
Seulgi was currently working on yet another son that had suddenly popped into her head, to send out to some people in LA and NY. In that moment Irene her girlfriend of two years walked into Seulgi's dorm, Seulgi had moved into a single dorm for her junior year wanting to be away from their friends to work on music in peace.

"Hey Seulbear, I need to talk to you" The music in Seulgi's headphones was so loud Irene was able to hear it the whole way she was walking towards her. Seulgi was so focused that she was unintentionally ignoring Irene, not that she was able to hear her. Irene was agitated at this point.

"Seulgi! can you stop for a dam second, we need to talk!" Irene said as she took Seulgi's headphones from her head and spun her around.

"What the. Geez Baechu, chill. I'm sorry alright? now what's up?" Seulgi said apologetically.

"We need to talk." Irene said seriously.

"Um ok about what?"

"Us Seul" Irene said looking down. Seulgi had a feeling where this was going.

Seulgi and Irene had been dating since Seulgi's freshmen year and Irene's junior year at SMU, Irene being a second year senior at this point. This is something Seulgi knew was coming for a few months since Irene found out she was graduating. Irene's graduation implied the possibility of Irene leaving the state and her.

"Seulgi? you there?" Irene asked seeing her lost in thought.

Snapping out of her trance and looking up at Irene "Yeah sure ok. Let's talk about US Rene. Where do we start?" Seulgi's voiced held a bit of anger and bitterness. Irene decided to shake that off.

"Okay. So I applied for Med School in Cali. And, I GOT IN!" Irene shouted while smiling.

This wasn't a surprise for Seulgi, she knew Irene would get in easily. I mean this is Bae Joohyun for crying out loud. "Seriously? Congrats Rene! you deserve it." Seulgi smiled.

After a moment of silence Beca broke it "So where does that leave us?"

"Seulgi..." Irene started with a sigh.

"No Joohyun, no. We both knew were already on this path right? I mean you're graduating in a week while I'll be here and you'll be off to Cali. Don't think I haven't thought about this cause trust me I have, for a while ok. And now that it's real, we have no choice but to face it." Seulgi was looking at  Irene straight in the eyes holding back tears.

Irene was speechless for a bit, she took a breath and reminded herself this needed to be done. It was for the best.

"I'm sorry Seulgi, I really am. I know you told me you could do the whole long distance thing, but Med school will take up so much of my time. More then SMU did and even now I was always crammed with school, so it'd be worse. I can't promise you that I'll always be there for the Skype calls or even be able to reply consistently. I'm just not that type of person you know? I need in person face to face interactions. I love you ok Seul, always will. Doing this really hurts, but I just made a choice." Irene said sadly.

Seulgi looked at Irene for a while, glaring at her more like it "A choice? you made a choice? well you just made the wrong fucking choice. I am willing to sacrifice everything for you and that's why I don't wanna break up Joohyun. I'm wiling to head to Cali with you and build up my career there. All that for you."

With tears streaming down her face "I'm sorry Seul, I don't want you to waste your time being here stuck up on me. I don't want you to put everything on hold or stop doing what you're doing. I'm leaving and that's that." Irene pulled Seulgi in for a hug.

"Will you at least stay in touch? Write me or text me when you can? Please don't forget about me. I love you so so much." Seulgi said sobbing into Irene's shirt.

"Of course Seul. I promise I will. I love you too. So much." Irene placed a kiss on Seulgi's forehead and pulled away.

Irene stood at the door and looked back one more time, Seulgi and Irene both looked at each other in tears. With one final wave,  Irene walked out of Seulgi's dorm. They're over, officially over.

Seulgi stayed looking at the door sobbing and shaking. She couldn't believe that they were really done, that Irene really left. Feeling more heartbroken then ever she just collapsed on the ground and let everything out of her system, the anger and the sadness. Seulgi stayed curled up in front of her bed on the floor for two hours ignoring all phone calls and texts. Seulgi was prepared to stay isolated for however long necessary considering she was done with classes until someone started banging on her door non-stop. Hoping the person would tired she didn't move, unfortunately the person appeared to have nothing better to do and kept it up. Seulgi got up with a groan and walked to the door and swung it open.

"God Kkangseul! I've been trying to call and text you for two hours. Do you know how worried I've been about you." Wendy said rapidly in one breath looking frantic and out of breath.

Seulgi shouldn't be surprised that Wendy was here of all people, she was her best friend after all. The two have been since there freshmen year when Wendy performed in front of everyone in the entire University.

"Sorry Seungwan just, feeling down." Seulgi said quietly not even feeling like talking.

"I know Seul, I know. I'm so so sorry. Can I please come in?" Wendy said pleading.

"Of course" Seulgi just turned and walked towards her bed. Wendy  closed and locked the door and hoped into Seulgi's bed with her. Wrapping her arms around Beca and pulling her into her side "I'm here for you Seul, just like the rest of our friends. We got you." Wendy planted a kiss on top Seulgi's head.

"It hurt's Wannie. It fucking hurts." Seulgi said quietly.

"I know it does. But you'll be ok. I promise." Wendy said soothingly.

Seulgi went to sleep that night completely heartbroken and didn't know what to do.

✔️𝔹𝔼𝔸𝕋  𝕆𝔽  𝕃𝕀𝔽𝔼 //  Seulrene / Wenseul ffWhere stories live. Discover now