Chapter 10

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It was a couple days after the Jimmy Fallon appearance and people were constantly calling and requesting Beca. She of course still declined and respond with a simple "I just want to finish Halsey's album." Something everyone was looking forwards to. In those two days however, there was a tour that was being sponsored by Beats. Beats had contacted Seulgi and her team to see if there was interest, they agreed and Seulgi was added to the list. That leads us to Seulgi current situation, on the phone with Joy.

"Yes Joy. Yes, I know. I am very aware. Of course I'll bring Yeri and Jeong. Joy I swear I read it." Joy had the habit of reminding Seulgi of things 5-6 times a day even if Seulgi was aware.

"I'm serious! This is a huge deal, I'm warning you. Read them thoroughly and carefully. And show up to the meeting." Joy said sternly.

"Dam Joy, when the hell did you become my manager? Last I checked it was Yeri. Did you two switch roles? Is this a relationship test?" Seulgi asked smirking.

"Kang." Joy growled "Watch it. Yeri told me to remind your ass as well. Be there and I'll see you later." With that Joy hung up. Seulgi leaned back on her chair and looked out her window. Her office had a view of the whole city that she would look out when she would drift into her mind.

"Hey Seul." Jeongyeon said as she entered her office.

"Your going to that meeting with me right? I don't think I could deal." Seulgi asked

"Of course Seulgi. I mean I am your publicist. Plus, free food and drinks, I'm so there." Jeongyeon laughed and fist bumped her.

"Any way I just wanted to congratulate you on the Fallon interview. I'm glad you opened up like that. You going soft now?" Jeongyeon smirked.

"Shush! Not so loud. But it's not a huge deal really. I don't want to sulk in sadness anymore dude. It's exhausting. I got to make the most of whatever all this is." Seulgi said making a circular motion with her index finger.

Jeongyeon was looking at Seulgi with nothing but proudness. She was so proud of her small friend, she has really matured and become a terrific person. Deciding to give her friend a break she went over and pulled her out of her seat.

"Whoa dude what are you doing." Seulgi asked.

"Giving you a day off. Your going to go home and relax. I'll take of everything here." Jeongyeon said as she was pushing Seulgi out of the door.

"Umm ok sure." Seulgi said a bit confused and happy.

"I'll call if any emergencies come up." Jeongyeon said with a wave.

Seulgi walked up to her challenger and started to head to her house. Upon arriving she kicked off her shoes at the door and set her bags down on the marble kitchen island. She walked into her room and changed into something more comfortable. A pair of black Nike sweat shorts and a cropped tank top. She had just got to the game room wanting to some Mortal Kombat when she heard her front door. She didn't even have to check to know exactly who that was.

"SEULGI!" Wendy screamed walking into the house.

Laughing and shaking her head "Game room shorty!" She yelled back. One thing about Seulgi's spacious house is that the echo was insane.

Upon hearing this, Wendy hurried up the steps and flung herself at her tiny friend "Well hello to you to." Seulgi chuckled returning the embrace.

"Hi, I'm just so excited that we get to spend the day together!" Wendy squealed.

"How did you know I was home?" Seulgi asked curiously.

" Jeongyeon told me she gave you a day off and I decided on an impromptu best friends date. Lasting a whole day." Wendy smiled breaking the embrace.

✔️𝔹𝔼𝔸𝕋  𝕆𝔽  𝕃𝕀𝔽𝔼 //  Seulrene / Wenseul ffWhere stories live. Discover now