Chapter 6

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The next day Seulgi was in her office going over some things with Wendy sitting next to her. When Jeongyeon came into her office and threw a magazine in front of then onto her desk.

Seulgi Kang swarmed and cornered by paparazzi; Star hurt in the encounter.

"Mind explaining this to me Seulgi?" Jeongyeon asked madly. It shouldn't have been a surprised that this headline would be the main topic today. Jeongyeon was mad at the fact that Seulgi didn't let her know about the plans yesterday, if not she could of handled everything and avoid all this. She was Seulgi's PR; this is literally her job. Now she has to clean all this up, and it won't be easy.

"I know and I'm sorry Jeong. I just wanted to enjoy a night out with a couple of friends like a normal person. It felt so nice to just be free, I promise it won't happen again." Seulgi said apologetically. Jeong nodded knowing that if Seulgi promised something then you had nothing to worry about.

"I wanna see what this says." Wendy said grabbing the magazine. Skimming through it she stopped at one particularly quote "If I'm seeing anyone, I'll let you know on my own time." Wendy raised an eyebrow at Seulgi.

Shrugging her shoulders "I decided to mess with them a bit. See how they'd take it." Wendy laughed and shook her head "Never change Kang."

In California.
Irene was walking hand in hand with Bogum down the street when they came across a new stand. Irene immediately bought a copy when she saw Seulgi's name, upon reading the article with Bogum. Irene got mad at how the paps could be aggressive with Seulgi.

"Wow she looked out in that outfit." Bogum commented. Irene didn't pay attention to that remark and instead dialed Joy up.

"Hey Joy! How are you guys? Is she ok?" Irene rushed out causing Joy to laugh.

"Irene calm down. Take a breath. We're fine, Seulgi is just a bit scraped up not really a matter of life and death. She would of been worse is it wasn't for Wendy. We're still trying to get her to press charges but she won't cause this is the world she lives in."

"That's good to hear. Please take care of yourselves out there. I worry about you guys."

"Really? Just admit your worried about her. You know the rest of us can handle ourselves." Irene not wanting to get into this just evaded and said she call Joy soon. After ending the call Irene zoned out, noticing this Bogum put his arm around her. He knew there was something wrong with Irene the past few weeks but he just didn't seem to know what was bothering her.

"Hey Irene, we're ok right?" Bogum said looking into Irene's eyes. Irene was feeling guilty about her feelings for Seulgi being stronger then the ones for Bogum.

"Yes. we're great baby. I'm just tired." Irene closed her eyes when she answered Bogum. He was good for Irene, he was the epitome of a perfect boyfriend. And Irene told herself that being with him was a safe choice.

"Just making sure. You're just a little off, lately. Ever since Joy left and all." He remarked.

"I'm fine. I just really miss them is all. There my closets friends and I never really see them. Then this stuff happens you know." Irene said sadly. Irene went on Twitter a few minutes later and saw that Demi's new songs were coming out that day and couldn't wait to hear what Seulgi came up with.

"Awesome Demi. Yeah I'll call you after they drop. Bye." Demi had just call Seulgi to let her when the songs were dropping. They were set to come out 10 minutes apart from one another with the first one dropping at 3pm the next at 3:10pm. Seulgi was ecstatic to see how people would respond to these two. It was now 2:30pm meaning she had enough time to let everyone that was important know. Once they all agreed to meet up at the office she went back to emails.

At around 2:50 everyone piled into her office to await the releases. Seulgi hadn't really talked about the songs in details until then.

"So any info about the lyrics?" Nayeon asked hopefully.

"Let's just say 'Tell Me You Love Me' is actually a song I wrote a while back. 'Sorry Not Sorry' is a legit collab with Demi, we both wrote on it." Seulgi said while finishing up an email and closing her laptop.

Everyone just nodded wondering what she could have written a while back compared to now. They were just sitting down making small talk till the alert went off that the song was dropping. Tuning into the radio they heard the introduction for the first song, Tell Me You Love Me. With the host saying "This is for heartbreak" which is what Demi wanted them to say.

After the song finished the whole room was speechless once more. They could tell Seulgi had written this when she was still madly hung up on Irene. The words in the song perfectly describe how she was feeling and acting during that time. The song immediately started trending all social media platforms and streaming services. The world was going crazy then the next song dropped. With the host saying "Now this one is you telling that person you messed up."

After this one dropped the room was shocked at how different the songs were. How one song went from heartbreak and the next went to in your face. Sadness to party. If this was how Seulgi was feeling the she really did come full circle. She really did get Irene out her system.

"So guys, what did you think? Seulgi asked timidly.

"Wow" they all said in unison.

"Speechless? I'll take it" Seulgi shrugged. They eventually snapped out of it and all congratulated her and hugged her.

"That second one Seul Unnie. That was intense." Yeri said.

"Well it's how we were feeling. We both went through similar situations and got go talking, that was the result." Seulgi responded.

"Well you are the baddest and most savage person I know.... also the sweetest and most romantic" Wendy said, whispering the last part before smirking as she high fived Seulgi.

"Thanks Wan." Seulgi shook her head "Now let's eat!"

After hearing both songs and the way the host announced them, Seulgi didn't know what to feel. Sadness? Guilt? Remorse? Happiness? Her emotions were all over the place. The words in the first song were so heartbreaking and full of sadness. While the ones in the second one were more of a get back at you, prove you wrong. 'Was Seulgi really done with me?' Irene thought. Can we ever even be friends, let alone get back together.

Irene knew this was something she'd have to live with, the fact that she would most likely never get over Kang Seulgi. She'd always regret not staying in SMU or at least not breaking her like she did. She was sitting on her couch when she got an alert, it was a post notification from Instagram. Nayeon had had just posted two pictures of Seulgi and Wendy, the two of them pretty much in each other's lap. The first one she posted Wendy was all over Seulgi with Wendy licking her cheek and arms wrapped around the star's neck, Seulgi was laughing and had her arms wrapped tightly around Wendy's mid section. The second was Seulgi had both hands on Wendy's breasts while she looked to be whispering in Wendy's ear, Wendy was laughing much like Seulgi was in the first pic with her arms still wrapped around the star's neck. Nayeon captioned the pictures "Get these two a room"

Seeing this made Irene even more upset, for two reasons. One being that she wished she could be Wendy right now. Two being that even when she was with Seulgi, Seulgi never took photos like that with her. Only Wendy was able to get Seulgi to let loose. What did Wendy have that she didn't. 'Were her and Wendy a thing?' Irene thought.

✔️𝔹𝔼𝔸𝕋  𝕆𝔽  𝕃𝕀𝔽𝔼 //  Seulrene / Wenseul ffWhere stories live. Discover now