Chapter 1

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2 Years Later, NYC

"Seulgi unnie! I've got some news!" Yeri sung loudly as she walked towards Seulgi, Yeri and Seulgi had always stayed close friends. Yeri became Seulgi's manager after Seulgi burst onto the music scene and shot up the charts. Seulgi wanted her to be her manager due to the trust she has in her, she trust Yeri won't leave or do her wrong.

Yeri was like Seulgi's protective younger sister after the Irene breakup, she was always by her side helping her see that she can handle love again. Seulgi was an absolute wreck after Irene left, but she managed due to her friends. Mainly Wendy and Yeri, but the rest all played their part. Seulgi's whole team saw what she went through after everything. Irene did end up forgetting to stay in contact with Seulgi, something that hurt Seulgi even more and couldn't believe Irene would do that. For the first year Seulgi's thought Irene was just busy and caught up with school, that's what she would always tell people. She told people that Irene would come around cause she wouldn't break a promise to her. That was until she found out that Irene had always stayed in contact with Joy and on occasion some other people.

That just sent Seulgi into a bigger depression to the point where she was too sad and tired to even make music. It took everyone to pull Seulgi out of emptiness and help her get her drive back. And once she did she was better, Seulgi was fixed and famous. She came out better and improved and put her all into music.

"Alright weirdo, what you got for me?" Seulgi asked as she was eating her pop tarts while still being in her pajamas.

"Well, someone wants to work with you. Actually people, people want to work with you. Like really want to, as in ASAP." Yeri said.

"Really? who? Yoda? Vader? Bond? oh Ghostface?" Seulgi smirked

"I'm being serious here youngling. I got a call from Demi, Bieber and Halsey. They all want you to collaborate with you. So?" Yeri smiled.

"Dude, that's dope! say yes. But we need a line up so, JB first? Demi second? then best for last Halsey? can we make that work Yeri?" Seulgi wanted all her music to be flawless, she wanted to sit down with the artist and really plan everything out. She like keep things apart to avoided everything becoming a cluster fuck. This is what made her the best, she kept everything separated from the rest needing time and focus to produce the best.

"Yes ma'am of course. Definitely make that work." With a mock salute Yeri headed out to make the right arrangements.

As soon as Yeri left Seulgi headed to the couch and felt content with her current position. She was right where she always wanted to be, on top of the music industry doing what she loves. She had amazing friends, perfect team surrounding her, owned her fair share of clubs and properties, gets to travel a lot and of course the music.

All she was missing was Irene. Irene who never wrote or called her and who never visited. Irene wasn't dumb she knew Joy would tell Irene things involving her, but she never heard a word from the older girl. Not when Seulgi got her first award or when her songs were breaking records, no all she got was an extended "Congratulations" coming from Joy and that was that. This was a subject that still hurt even two whole years later. Seulgi knew she needed to get over this to be able to fully live her life and be happy. What better way than music? she would use music to fully get everything out of her system.

It was an hour later after Seulgi had showered and changed preparing some stuff on her laptop when her phone started to ring.

"Hey Sooyoungie! I thought the call in was tomorrow, did my favorite lawyer miss me that much?" Seulgi was always in contact with Joy. Despite all there bickering and annoying each other the two were extremely close, you can almost say there were like sisters.

"I'm your only lawyer , no one else would be able to handle you." Joy laughed over the line.

"Yeah just like Yeri is the only one who can put up with you." Beca said grinning. Joy used to be a very wicked person back then, but after she went to law school, she turned into a fine, classy young woman.

"Shut it Kang. I called you to let you that I'll be seeing Irene in a few days. And I know you haven't gotten past this despite you being a big shot producer now." Joy knew Seulgi was still hung up on the older girl no matter how much she tried getting past this. "Look Seulgi's, I'm visiting her. Anything you want me to say? or anything you wanna send?" Joy asked slowly.

Seulgi letting some anger go "Listen Park, you just visit your little friend and I'll let your boyfriend and my manager know that you'll be with her alright? I got absolutely nothing left to say or send her. I've sent and said many things remember? she's the one who broke her part of the promise remember that as well."

Seulgi had so much anger and even some hatred in her, but Joy never expected to hear it. She was glad to see her small friend try to get over Irene. She didn't want any more trouble or tension amongst there group of friends, cause lord knows there's a good amount of that.

"Alright, no need to rip my head off. I understand- I get it. And yes I do remember. I'll call you when I'm there alright?" Joy wanted to lighten the mood.

"Yeah sounds good. Be safe, okay?" Seulgi asked softly

"Of course Seul. I need you to be safe to alright? I don't wanna read any articles about you." Joy said jokingly

"Tsk tsk tsk have some faith in me Joy. But yeah of course I'll be safe."

"Bye Seulgi." Joy ended the call. Joy did have faith in Seulgi, she had so much faith in smaller brunette. But with the paparazzi pursing her like vultures following her every move, there were always risk especially considering Beca was the hottest thing out there. Even though Seulgi was the most private celebrity you'll ever find, that didn't exclude her from people camping out waiting for her. This is what made being Seulgi's lawyer so hard, but she wouldn't trade it for anything.

✔️𝔹𝔼𝔸𝕋  𝕆𝔽  𝕃𝕀𝔽𝔼 //  Seulrene / Wenseul ffWhere stories live. Discover now