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Just keep following
The heartlines on your hand
Just keep following
The heartlines on your hand
Keep it up, I know you can
Just keep following
The heartlines on your hand 'cause I am

Life is all about taking chances or living in regrets. Win had always believed this in his heart and in his mind but he never had courage to follow it... until now. He had been working for a very mundane marketing company in Bangkok for 3 years and it didn't give him the sense of fulfillment every time he stepped into the building. The job was definitely a great experience for Win to add in his curriculum vitae and it did come in a time when he needed a job. Win was twenty-four now and he thought it was time to move on.

It was about lunch time when someone knocked on his apartment. He was going to stand up but then he heard the door being unlocked and he knew the only person who had a duplicate of his key was his best friend, Khaotung. He didn't bother looking at Khaotung's direction because he did send him a message half an hour ago that said he'd be dropping by and bringing lunch to eat. Win was currently stuck on his office chair and was dealing with an important issue which was sending e-mails to companies his resume. He was also refreshing his e-mail every few minutes to see if anyone has gotten back to him from the other e-mails he sent yesterday, the day before, and... all the other days he did it. Obsessing about receiving a reply has consumed Win's life for the past week.

"Ai Win," Khaotung shouted from the kitchen, Win assumed, "stop staring at your laptop like a lost bunny and come eat with me."

Win heard him and he nodded while still refreshing his e-mail as if Khaotung could see him nodding in affirmation at what he said. A few seconds later, he felt a slap on his head. "Ay, Khaotung!" he said with his face scrunched up looking at his best friend. He was ready to say his long explanation on how important this refreshing is to him when he saw Khaotung was holding some food. Gratitude filled his face up and made a grabby hand motion like the toddler he was. His best friend just shook his head and was probably thinking why he was friends with Win but Win knew Khaotung was fine with him. They have been best friends since university and they clicked from the start. Win thought of him as a brother.

Instead of giving Win the food, Khaotung dropped the plastic bag containing the food on the table which Win huff in annoyance. He stood up and dashed and jumped to the couch to start eating. Win's stomach grumbled which made him and Khaotung chuckle. He didn't realise how hungry he was so he started to dig in. Khaotung walked to the other side and sat on his office chair and turned the television on and put it on Watflix. It's one of the most famous streaming services in Thailand at the moment and Win made a sound as if he remembered something. Win pointed at his best friend and saw him cock his said and asked, "What?" Win tried to chew his food quickly and almost choke on it as he swallowed. "Funny story," he started as he stood up and went to the kitchen just adjacent to the living room, "I decided to send my resume to Watflix." Win knew he had no chance in getting a job there because it was a very famous company and would want more experienced people. As he was drinking, he heard Khaotung cackling and Win's eyes narrowed at him as if he was offended. He walked back to the couch with his drink and whined, "Ouch, Khao! You should be supportive of me! You're my best friend."

Khaotung waved him off and replied, "I'm sorry, bud. It's just that you know how everyone is applying there now." Win nodded eyes focused on the screen of the television as Khaotung put some new series from Watflix that had just been released. After a few moments of silence, he heard mouse clicks which made his head twist to his laptop's direction. Khaotung was clicking something on it. "Hey! Don't mess with my laptop! I'm waiting for e-mails, as I've told you every single day," Win said scolding him. Khaotung had a mischievous smile on his face and turned to Win. "What?" he asked. "You got an e-mail from Watflix!" the other man exclaimed.

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