Never Let Me Go

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And the arms of the ocean are carrying me

And all this devotion was rushing over me

And the questions I have for a sinner like me

But the arms of the ocean deliver me

Note: First part is very NSFW. Scroll down to reach the END OF NSFW if you don't want to read it.

As Bright gently brought Win down on the bed, he was looking into Win's eyes and it felt like this was the first time he thought he could really fall in love with someone. His arms laying him down like he was something porcelain just spoke volumes about Bright's intentions to him. He didn't want the man to let him go. Holding onto him, caressing him, and carrying him. As he laid there on the bed, with Bright hovering over him and just touching his face gently, Win just wanted to let go and give Bright all the control. His eyes spoke a thousand words and Win just wanted to dive right into it.

Bright gently kissed him and that was so much better than the frantic kissing they had a few seconds ago. Win wrapped his arms around Bright's neck as one of his hands brushed the man's hair. Bright grabbed one of his hands and pushed it down on the side of Win's face, as if pinning him down without any weight. The man just interlocked their fingers gently. It felt as if Bright was thinking the same and he didn't want to let go of Win.

They broke off from the kiss and all Win could hear was their breathing. He knew, at that moment, that Bright was someone he could see himself loving for a long time. A lifetime even, maybe. But Win was a realist and he didn't want to jinx his luck. For now, though, he wanted Bright to never let him go. Plus, it was too early to be in love. Win was the kind of person who easily fell in love with a person when he was in a relationship. This was different though than the few times he had a relationship before. Bright just made him felt something... more. Was it too early to tell? Probably. But this time, Win was just going to believe that things was going to work out.

"Win," Bright said softly as he gave the man another peck on the lips. "Can I...?"

Win's heart started beating faster. It felt like he could hear every thump of it. Bright just had that effect to him when the man showed that sweet and soft side of his. "Can you what, Bright?" Win chuckled softly as he tried to make the atmosphere a little light. "You have to be much clearer than that."

Bright huffed a laugh in response. He put his index finger on Win's face again and it started trailing down gently. When his finger reached the middle of his neck, Win shivered at the intensity of the action. It continued to go down to his clavicle and Bright brought his lips near Win's ear to nibble on his earlobe. Win moaned at this because his earlobe was just a sensitive spot for him. It made him wrap one of his arms around Bright and his nails dug into the man's skin lightly. He heard Bright stifle a moan and it came out just a quick short exhale.

"Can I...," Bright said again and Win it sounded really sultry as if his mind was clouded with lust. It probably was and Win would say that his was too.

"Yes, Bright?" Win replied breathily as he started moving his dug in nails downwards Bright's back. Bright seemed to lost his balance a little bit at the action. It was like they were playing a sensual game of chicken. Who was going to give in first? Win knew his resolve wasn't as strong as he thought although he hoped Bright broke first.

"Can I touch your chest?"

Win froze from shock. "Can you what?"

"Touch your chest," Bright said as he looked at Win again with a serious look on his face.

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