Breaking Down

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I think, I think too much

I'm a little bit paranoid, I think I'm breaking

Maybe it's in my blood

Got a pain that I can't avoid, I think I'm breaking down

It was a very busy day at work with all the news of Watflix acquiring the rights and license to stream a really well-known local show. It was another LGBTQ+ show that garnered international success. The success was mostly in Southeast Asia but the show had reached countries worldwide. If he was being honest though, he knew about the acquisition days before it was announced in the office. Bright was the one who oversaw and handled the deal so when it was a sure thing, Bright told him when they were laying down on Bright's bed. They've been sleeping over at each other's places for more than two weeks now and they'd been going out on a lot of dates. Bright seemed to love bringing Win to hidden gem spots in the city.

Bright brought him to this Baan Silapin or Artist's House one time. Win had heard about the place but he never really thought of going there. When Bright brought him there, it was an old but wonderfully restored Thai wooden house situated along a canal. It was kind of hard to find and Win started whining about it because he didn't know where they were going. As he was about to throw a tantrum, Win saw the place and it was well worth the hunt. The boardwalk was filled with little shops and a quaint café with an interesting array of stationeries for sale. There also was an art gallery in the café and it looked and felt homey in a way. Win had to give Bright a peck on the cheek when he saw it and Bright, the devil incarnate, was not satisfied and went in for a tongue kiss. Win blushed and reprimanded him but the café owner just laughed at their dynamic.

The area boasted a nostalgia of another life and there were more things to do there and Win definitely did most of them. From taking photos with the statues around the home to watching a traditional Thai puppet show, he enjoyed every single moment of it. Bright was extremely pleased that he was pleased and he just gave Win a long hug.

"I told you I promise to give us our own of firsts," Bright reminded him as he hooked his chin onto Win's shoulder.

Win couldn't contain his grin and he had butterflies in his stomach at that time. Bright liked to speak with cheesy lines but it always felt sincere and sounded like he really meant it. It didn't feel like an empty promise at all. Win felt his heart was going to explode from all the feelings he had for Bright in that single moment and just hugged him back tightly.

Win heard a snap of an old camera and the two of them look at where the sound was. A young teenage boy took a photo of them in a very old looking polaroid camera. He came up to them and offered the polaroid film in a hefty price. Bright just smiled at the kid and lowered himself to pay for it. He even conversed and gave the kid a little bit more than what was asked. That simple action was one of the reasons why Bright was an amazing person in Win's books. He might not be flashy and noisy about his actions but he definitely was a great one.

They've been to a few more places ever since that trip but Bright was working on that show they just recently acquired for Watflix. He did try to see Win whenever he could. For other people, it might be hard to see the real Bright because he did act really professional and quite stern at work. It was there but people might interpret his passion for working into being a strict leader. Oh, if only the other employees saw their boss inside the Contents department. The difference was night and day. Win really liked it when Bright talked about work stuff like when he was talking about the new show, there seemed to be a glint in his eyes. Win realized that his boyfriend was really passionate about his job.

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